Reviews for Blood and Flame and Fire Lilies
Guest chapter 8 . 2/21/2017
Sorry for the constant comment, but Dai seems like Mai's mom
Guest chapter 8 . 2/21/2017
Oooh, i like the reminiscent of the Ember Island episode of Zuko, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee. Is Ting Ty Lee's mom, though?
Guest chapter 6 . 2/21/2017
Everything he wants is just one step away but unreachable...that is so much like Zuko's situation. Maybe that explains Ozai's distaste towards Zuko
Guest chapter 5 . 2/21/2017
Ozai you big little piece of SHIT
Guest chapter 5 . 2/21/2017
Let mom and dad talk by themselves?...i didnt know Ozai could joke, even if it sarcastic in nature lol i so love dry humor
Guest chapter 5 . 2/21/2017
Wait wait wait ...Piandao? As in the guy who taught Sokka swordsmanship and gave him the white lotus tile?! Surprise cameo!XD
Guest chapter 3 . 2/21/2017
I can see bits of Azulon's affections towards his second son actually. It's not obvious to Ozai, and although Azulon's care is not explicit, I think that's because of Ozai's prejudice of his father's favoritism and Azulon's a little more strict attitude towards Ozai. And for good reason if you ask me.
Azulon sees right through Ozai; Ozai is power hungry and proud.
The Firebending Frog chapter 2 . 11/7/2014
This chapter was amazing, not only were the interactions great and entertaining and the character development was Just as good. I can't even describe how good your writing is, it's that good. Thanks for writing this!
Guest chapter 16 . 11/3/2014
Awesome fan fiction. I guess Ursa and Ozai really do like each other
The Firebending Frog chapter 1 . 10/12/2014
This was an amazing chapter, not only was it well written but it's exceptionally believable. I like the characters you made, and the Canon characters are written very well. I just like where this is going. Can't wait to read more.
Czarina-Wolf chapter 16 . 7/15/2013
FullMentalPanic chapter 8 . 8/30/2012
"bending all four elements (even air, from the ghost nation)" I like that passage. To be perfectly frank, it gets to me that Ozai 'lost' even if he is happy now, which I suppose makes me worse and even more stubborn than him. That out of the way, it's very sweet that they are drawing together.

I suppose every generation has its beach jocks...

Sorry, but egad is Ursa sensitive with how she gets all mopey that Ozai doesn't like the Ember Island Players, she didn't even ask if he would go, what if he likes sitting in the audience and making fun of them? I do find it funny though that she's seems nearly alone in her estimation of them, maybe most of the audience members see it as a farce not drama anyway. It does make her seem even more unreasonable to think that Ozai would get all sincerely enthralled with the Ember Island Players when pretty much everyone seems to think they're a laugh.

Ursa and Ozai seriously are opposites, she's VERY rainbow-castles-in-air-skipping-on-sunshine. Opposites must attract, and you talked about that well. Not being in love myself, I think some of this just seem silly to me, but if it works for them more power to them. Personally, I actually really liked where she and Ozai were talking about his youth in his mom's room, although I also kind of wished he was telling it to just a friend instead of potential love interest just because I like that dynamic (that's just me though). I wasn't particularly thinking about Twilight while reading this, though I'm pretty sure the "Proving I can be romantic line" was from it. I'd like to see this more from Ozai's perspective, Ursa is a little too giddy for me.
FullMentalPanic chapter 7 . 8/30/2012
"Prince Ozai abruptly flung off his beachrobe, revealing his muscular torso and startling both seagulls and a knot of squealing fangirls." So Zuko straight up inherited this I guess. "Well, that was fun," Every time he does something that his kids later do I crack up. I am mostly glad to see Ursa trying to decisively have a hand in her future, but I honestly am really liking just seeing Ozai and Ursa go at with manipulation and hidden agendas. It's really laying the groundwork for some of the things that happen to them later in life. What's really interesting is there are still all these bits of truth that are being revealed in their conversation. "I'm a good liar, Ursa...I've been doing it for years. I always know." There's something really sad about that.

They still in a difficult situation, and I'd still be majorly ticked, so it's intriguing to see how their playing it out as they get more used to the idea. "...and the rest of the world could fall to ruin if only he would come back to her." That's SO Fire Nation, and Azula didn't get all her extremism just from her papa. I kind of feel like 'flirting' is misused a lot of the time since the idea of it is that whatever you're doing you're not serious about it. "You have to make something of yourself, for yourself, no matter what other people think of you." I can totally see that warping into Ozai maneuvering to be the Fire Lord.

"Perhaps she's still fighting for her ideals, but in my own style of war." This is kind of the whole crux of the chapter right now it seems; what is Ursa willing to do to try to get her happily ever after and can she get him receptive to true love by some aggressive tactics, and will her own sensibilities allow this or is she only willing to fall in love in a specific way? Probably not necessarily a good thing, but I really identify with Ozai a lot. "The Phoenix would fall, and her heart would blaze on his deathpyre." You kind of wonder if that's eventually what happened after the Avatar defeated Ozai.

"If I did that...I'd lose. To Iroh (his benevolent desire, anyway)." Selfish and prideful though it is, I can see where he's coming from...I probably need to work on being more compassionate toward people. Very interesting how Ozai despises and Iroh's advice and Ursa wants to benefit from it.

You're right, Zuko and Ozai really embody the "bare-chested fighting is the only way to go" principle (as long as you're not at the north or south pole).
zukoforever chapter 16 . 8/11/2012
pllllllzzzzzzzzz uupppdatttteeee !1
FullMentalPanic chapter 6 . 6/15/2012
The beginning of this is interesting for me, because I honestly have more sympathy for Ozai and I realize that I'm being kind of brutal toward Ursa (she just seems like she still has a ways to go before she becomes the woman who negotiates for her son's life by personally slaying the Firelord). She dismisses her own problems so much too, that kind of annoys me. Iroh is very sweet toward her though and it's totally intriguing to see the complex she has about her grandad and how Avatar Roku is generally viewed in the Fire Nation.

Definitely from a Divine perspective, winning Ozai over by love would be right thing to do, but I honestly don't know if I could do that in her situation. Especially at this point, where I don't see it as inevitable that they'll get married (despite my canon knowledge). You promise to love someone when you marry them, and the promise, if nothing else, would help with that endeavor. It does remind me of the film 'Enchanted April' and the relationship between Lottie and her husband.

Ozai's plan is self-destructive and heartless and inconsiderate to Ursa, but, yeah, I totally understand it.

Hormones and flesh have their sway even over Ozai. Great portrayal of Ozai's cynical and self-deprecating sense of humor toward himself. He's really deceiving himself though if he thinks he won't have any trouble getting attached when he sleeps with his wife. He's really fixated on loyalty to father and brother. Hmm, if he'd kept in this 'no love, all loyalty' mindset, maybe he wouldn't have tried to depose his brother and agree to his father's murder. Maybe love for Ursa and Azula destroyed that mindset and opened a pathway where he was willing to do the things he did to become Firelord.

Overtly respectful and subtly insulting, Dai pretty sharp. I do like how her friends are dedicated to helping her redeem this situation, and very much like that they may actually be acting on a plan at this point.

I thought you were both discreet and realistic in your references to their wedded physical relationship, so good job there.
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