Reviews for Zelda Enchanted
AwesomeM chapter 27 . 11/29/2018
I love this fic so much and am still hoping for an ending after all this time. Whenever I revisit the legend of Zelda fandom for whatever reason this is one did I always reread. Even if you don't get around to finishing this fic thank you for writing this much it's always a fun read. You can be sure that I will always come back to read this finished or not.
Guest chapter 28 . 9/1/2016


Maybe I'll finish my own fics.
Guest chapter 26 . 8/31/2016
So, right before Sheik undid the magic keeping the Mirror shards safe, I was hoping SO HARD that something would go wrong and he'd just, idk, Hulk out like other exposed to the mirror did.

I adore where this story has gone, and I super support where it is going bc it's AMAZING, but now I've got Twilight Monster Sheik on the brain and now I've gotta draw that for myself.

It's one in the morning, I'm adoring this fic and now I've gotta draw Twilight tainted Sheikah and I blame you for this amazingness.
AwesomeM chapter 28 . 3/8/2016
Are you ever going to finish this? I've reread it so many times and would really like to see it finished.
Zelda chapter 28 . 8/29/2015
Are you gonna finish this? I love this story! Please finish...
delax chapter 1 . 6/6/2015
Obviously inspired from "Ella Enchanted", but, unless my memory fails, I spy some "Hero and the Crown"?
Either way, great material to pull from to do an interesting AU!
Can't see yet if you're planning to go more down LoZ plot, Ella Enchanted plot, or door #3.
Should be interesting whichever way!
anon ovo chapter 1 . 12/4/2014
Well, I am very late. You haven't updated since 2011... And now it is 2014 when I read it. I have been binge-reading this all week, staying up til 3-4 am on school nights. I have been hooked and oh god, I love this story. At first I was thinking "eh... I love this but I wish she incorporated Zelda's curse more..." But I kept reading and loved what this story became and you haven't failed to make me cry. I have cried three times in 1-2 hours. When Midna said those hurtful things and Sheik was heartbroken, when they were in the courtyard and it was all bright and fulfilling and they were happy.. and this last chapter.. when Midna sacrificed herself... Then there is no chapter after. And ... that prolonged the crying. It leaves me with a sadness knowing this hasn't been updated in three years. I really wanted to find out what happened and hope that Midna gets revived by the sages or something... Oh god. This story made me ship Midna and Sheik so hard...;n; And of course I came for Zelink but I'm getting double the shipping feels! OH god, please revive Midna... her and Sheik never even properly kissed! Never. That makes my heart sad. And I need Link to take Zelda in his arms and kiss the shit out of her and make her his queen. I hope all is well with you... hell I may be nagging about the cliffhanger when you could have genuine problems in life or you're busy... But I really hope this gets updated. uvu
OmgPandi chapter 28 . 7/27/2014
Oh what a cliffhanger! I've been reading this fic from start to finish since I first found it and this is great! I do hope you update it sometime in the future. I've really enjoyed it. :)
ohnooooooooooooooooooooo chapter 8 . 8/4/2013
I have a bit of a comment here, since technically Zelda has the personality of Midna and vice versa with Midna. Doesn't that mean Link fell in love with Midna's personality...? That's... Weird. Not that I don't like it, it's just that Zelda and Link are my OTP. LOL, great story so far! Can't wait to read more!
ICECREAM chapter 28 . 6/4/2013
burning book chapter 28 . 4/22/2013
love the story
AsamisHair chapter 27 . 1/27/2013
I haven't forgotten you, or this story! .
I periodically check back to see if you've continued, and I would love to load the link and have another chapter appear! (Hehe...Link)

I know how hard it can be to continue a fic (speaking from experience) and I wish you luck with this and any other works you have in progress :)
PLEASE chapter 28 . 10/22/2012
please make more ive been up sice 1:30 A.M. just to finish this
Summerkiss001 chapter 28 . 6/17/2012
This story is amazing and is one of my favorites.
Linkolas chapter 28 . 5/17/2012
You are mean, why did you stop there? You need to UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE, UPDATE and UPDATE! I will take the cheese cake that you made and shove it in your face if you don't update.
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