Reviews for The Trip Home
dandelion1112 chapter 1 . 1/3/2019
I just found this story and I like it! It's sassy, it's sexy, it's different and it is very well written. Thank you! I'm looking forward to the next chapters and the outtake!
kellvamp74 chapter 1 . 11/26/2018
oh fuck me, I dont think I have a big enough fan
xoxocullenluverxoxo chapter 39 . 12/11/2017
Loved this story and their journey! They are an amazing trip and I can't wait to start the sequel!
Cullen Cousin chapter 39 . 9/30/2017
Thoroughly enjoyed the story and I'm off to find the sequel!
Cullen Cousin chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
Fully enjoyed the story and I'm off to find the sequel!
xoxocullenluverxoxo chapter 10 . 9/7/2017
Dude this story. Has me FEELING THINGS.. Like God they are so fucking HOT. I'm a female and with another woman, but your stories and words with Jasper, Edward, and Bella being together sexually makes me remember and feel and it's just amazing. You have a way with words, which I am very grateful for!
Guest chapter 39 . 10/16/2016
Great Story
Manasseh chapter 39 . 7/29/2016
I think you did a great job of writing a poly story where the love was equally distributed. Most stories I have read where there are two guys and a girl, the female always comes off as a after thought or just a sex doll. Thanks for sharing your imagination, I really enjoyed the ride!
PAT2024 chapter 39 . 12/16/2015
First time I read a poly story, I was rather reluctant at the beginning but the power of their love was so beautiful, I really loved it in the end. Thank you for opening my mind. Nice lemons too. I can't wait to read the outtakes and the sequel, thank you for sharing.
Ninienboite chapter 10 . 11/2/2015
Very hot and great story. Love is Love. Thanks!
rossrochelle81 chapter 1 . 1/2/2015
Hey wow this chapter is very interesting. Love the word play.
kittiekatz34 chapter 14 . 11/7/2014
i never ever thought i would read a polyvore story. but this one is absolutly beautiful. i stay up when i should be sleeping but im always excited 2 see whats next. keep the great work up
SiriuslyPink chapter 25 . 10/14/2014
Why are we just now learning that Bella has been talking to Alice via email?
SiriuslyPink chapter 18 . 10/14/2014
See, even in this chapter, Jasper made it sound like Bella was replaceable while Edward isn't. Edward has made me come to that conclusion as well; that if need be, Jasper isn't replaceable while Bella is. Like they could survive with just each other if it didn't work out with Bella. This is probably from the fact that they've known each other their whole lives and they were already in love. But I'm a very jealous person, so it doesn't sit well for me. Especially since I'm an E/B fan, not an E/J or J/B. I'm mostly here for the E/B, and I wouldn't want to share with J (which probably explains my opinion of "with a side of Bella". But I do think the E/J is hot.
SiriuslyPink chapter 15 . 10/14/2014
I actually do feel like it's Edward and Jasper with a side of Bella. The way they've been talking makes it seem like Bella may not be permanent in their lives, but no matter what, J/E are going to be together (I got this from the things they've said/thought. They also refer to themselves as we and us). When Edward was thinking about Bella having to move again due to Edward's job, he's all like "would she want to follow us?", making her sound less permanent than J/E. And also, J/E have a lot of alone time where it's just them having sex/bonding without B there. You've mentioned in passing that she spent alone time with both, but I don't see any sex scenes or bonding moments that involve just her and Edward or just her and Jasper. It's almost like they just want her as a surrogate for babies, and if it doesn't work out with her, they'll go find a new woman.
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