Reviews for Welcome to My Life
marium chapter 13 . 7/18/2009
Nice roundup! Please write another M rated zaddie!
ReneyyySprouse chapter 13 . 7/18/2009
man that was good! i wasnt really expecting it to end there, but it definitely worked.

wen you say your writing a new one, do you mean a sequel to this one?

anyways, awesome job. cant wait to see more from you soon :)

Boris Yeltsin chapter 13 . 7/18/2009
Aw, great ending. If you do come up with a sequel, I'd be happy to help anyway I can.
marium chapter 12 . 6/27/2009
love it and the detail update soon!
ReneyyySprouse chapter 12 . 6/24/2009
LOL, typical zack :) love it. good 2 see another chapter from ya, cnt wait til you update again!; x.
marium chapter 11 . 6/9/2009
PLEASE update I want to see more zaddie x yay!
mp chapter 1 . 5/31/2009
Please update
General Kenobi SIYE chapter 10 . 5/21/2009
Wow... Seems like no on ever thought of the pill... Is there no birth control pill/shot/patch in this universe! I mean come on!
Boris Yeltsin chapter 10 . 5/17/2009
Thanks for updating.

I hate this new review system, cuz I can't review using the keyboard like I use to, since I can't find the button to go to this page.

Anyway, how about Wesley helps out with Cait watching her younger siblings, and Cait tries cooking, but she runs into some problems, example, exploding egg in microwave.
gabgaws12 chapter 10 . 4/24/2009
I think that you should flashback to when maddie tells zack shes pregnant with his child, and flashback to there wedding.
Red Bumblebee chapter 10 . 4/23/2009
Love it! More flashback, please.
AFX787359 chapter 10 . 4/22/2009
It's not as good as the last chapter, but I will say that it gives another side of Maddie. Keep up the good work!
AFX787359 chapter 9 . 4/12/2009
Nicely written...
Red Bumblebee chapter 9 . 4/1/2009
Whoa, this chapter is good. But I still can't believe that Maddie's gonna be a grandmother...she's still young.

Update soon! I'll wait.
Boris Yeltsin chapter 9 . 4/1/2009
Thanks for updating.

How about we see Katie help out with her sisters if they have a bad dream or something like that?
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