Reviews for Mydr
Codename Jellybean chapter 1 . 8/1/2014
I am the first reviewer to be the eighth reviewer? Does that count? XD
Nah, but your story was all sorts of great. I like reading fics when both of them are adults, but this one is pretty good :) (Sorry, I try to refrain from using words like 'awesome' or 'stupendous' or anything else overly hyper and over the top).
She sees only his eyes, his beautiful eyes, and she looks in the mirror and knows she has changed.
That was quite possibly the best sentence in the entire thing.
Keep writing! :)
MissSunMessage chapter 1 . 11/2/2012
Wow, that was great! I'll try out that technique sometime, haha! I loved the "word blur" as you called it, it makes the story seem connected and more artistic- does that make sense? Great job!
VickyVicarious chapter 1 . 7/29/2011
Oddly glorious.
RedValkyrie chapter 1 . 2/18/2010
Very interesting. I was wondering what people might do with these two characters...and this is probably my favorite idea. Nice.
xoxcrescentmoonxox chapter 1 . 12/29/2009
Oh, I just loved this. It's not a pairing I'd ever really considered one way or another, but your writing made me believe. Snape through Petunia's eyes was very interesting, and it was nice to see Lily more objectively, the good and bad. My favorites were the bits about Severus' eyes, and the whole last section was just gorgeous.
LionessAmaya chapter 1 . 12/12/2008

Part 1: Their romance (must be during Hogwarts years)

Part 2: The end of their romance (must include some reference to Frank)

Part 3: What Bella's thinking while she tortures Alice.

That's my request. The parts can just be seperated by a line or something.

Love this! I've never really read a Petunia/Snape because I've always thought it's a weird pairing, but you made it work.
RetroBerrii chapter 1 . 12/11/2008
This story is really interesting. It must have been difficult trying to write it the way you did. I never really cared for this pairing, but you seemed to keep it both in context and in character. Great job.
Lamia of the Dark chapter 1 . 12/9/2008
Aw... I don't get to request... but this is good, I like it. Although I kind of wish I could see what you wrote for the other request I had, too.