Reviews for Like Father, Like Daughter
Whyhow chapter 2 . 6/13/2017
The characterization is great, but their voices sound wrong. I can't imagine Ozai saying "swell" like he did in the first chapter, and I don't know if Azula would say "mom" and "dad," or if Zuko would say "yeah."

P.S. Thank you for using yeah rather than yea, it's amazing how many people get that wrong.
Beansaretasty chapter 13 . 8/3/2015
Easily the most hilarious and in-character chapter ever.
Nowa1 chapter 4 . 8/18/2014
Um, while there is probably no explanation, Ozai's words can be understood this way: light the fire - train Azula, teach her to destroy;
carry the flame of this family - family can mean Fire Nation and carrying the flame could be continuing (and winning) war.
So fire is Azula and flame is destruction.
OR fire could be the fire that was around the throne (Ozai could mean becoming Firelord himself - so, in other words, he wished Azulon, Iroh and Lu Ten dead); and carrying the flame of this family' would mean winning war and start a dynasty of phoenix kings (um.. And queens since he definitely wouldn't pass the throne to Zuko).
There. I don't think i ever have written a review as long as this. Feel proud, dear autor! :)
sorry for mistakes, I'm not native speaker.
ShoeNinja chapter 13 . 3/31/2012
This chapter in particular was absolutely hysterical. That said, I just love the whole series (I've read the 41 you have posted at the time of this review), and must commend you on your excellent grasp of the two characters in question. Wonderful job!
Turkey in a suit chapter 13 . 12/16/2011
I find this the most hilarious story I've read all day. And I've been reading FMLs the entire afternoon laughing at other's bad fortune.

You deserve a puppy sticker Or maybe even a Harem.
plagoo chapter 13 . 12/2/2011
Bahahahahahah, oh man ''A little awkward'' is by far my favorite.
PantaElpizei chapter 35 . 12/2/2011
Your case for sociopathy is flimsy. A sociopath wouldn't regret (which it is clear she does on a subconscious level) or suffer a break down from the collapse of her social support structure. She's callous enough to be near sociopathy, but there's still that chink in her ego which rules it out. She clearly has severe attachment issues, among shit-tons of other problems. But sociopathy ain't one of them.

Admittedly, the enuresis could be pure coincidence, but your AN seems to imply otherwise.

Other than that, you paint a chillingly human portrait of a child's descent into darkness. Other than a few issues with grammar and spelling, well done.
Art of the Artichoke chapter 31 . 9/16/2011
Aww, all that work for Azula to eat the sea slug and it turns out she was allergic! I don't think Ursa will be able to convince her to try any new foods soon.
Art of the Artichoke chapter 23 . 9/16/2011
"That's so dumb."

I can imagine Iroh sighing in his head :)
One percent chapter 15 . 8/29/2011
Seriousely, this is the kind of story I would gladly read. It seems like a promising prospect. Are you sure you don't want to give it a chance an expand it?
One percent chapter 14 . 8/29/2011
What I liked here is her father showing true love. It's really cute and heart warming.
One percent chapter 13 . 8/29/2011
WOW that was EPIC! How on earth did you get such a great idea? It's awesome!
One percent chapter 12 . 8/29/2011
I really like this one. It makes Azula seems more... human.
One percent chapter 9 . 8/29/2011
Ursa lied to her 'baby'. She never loved her the way she should.

It's a shame really, because Azula IS better than Zuko and far more interesting. Mothers don't know how to chose, really. Glad that Ozai made up for it.
One percent chapter 8 . 8/29/2011
Strange way of motivating your daughter, Ozai.

It seems everything must be compared with Zuko's progress, even trivial things.

I liked when he told her that he would not tolerate failure. This says a lot about him and the expectations he pushes on Azula.

Poor girl...
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