Reviews for Twas The Night Before Christmas
Guest chapter 1 . 10/6/2015
Oh this is adorable
Nobody chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
I know you haven't been active for a while but. Could you please do a story where Virgil doesn't live up to his word and stuffs Gordon in a closet again? Please? I think it would be funny. And they could be older. Whatever, it's up to you. Keep it up!
TBMom chapter 1 . 10/6/2011
Love your stories. The caracters really come alive, and love Thomas Palmer. Hoping for more stories!
Lady Smiles chapter 1 . 12/5/2009
Merry X-mas! Gotta love it.
Angel-Sue76 chapter 1 . 11/10/2009
Aww that was really sweet and it's really lovely to read a story when the boys are little and Lucy is still alive. I love how great Jeff is with them all especially when he has to talk to Virgil about locking Gordon in the cupboard.

Loved the letter to Santa especially the bit about giving Mrs Claus a cookie, hee hee. My two youngest brothers still believe in Santa and they always leave out a couple of cookies and of course a carrot for Rudolph.

That was really good and had such a sweet ending too. You write them all so well.
Loopstagirl chapter 1 . 6/7/2009
oh my gosh this was so adorably sweet! i absolutly loved it!
Phx chapter 1 . 2/10/2009
Cute story, the little Tracy's are sweeties... but I have to admit, I missed little Tracy number 5. I didn't realize he wasn't going to be in the story and kept skimming to see where he was.
quiller chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
A very sweet and touching story. I loved Jeff's comment about 'you gave me THEM because you LOVED me?' and young Scott in fighter plane PJs.

As comment on this being your first one-shot, it did strike me that you were alsmost leaning towards a second chapter, with Jeff thinking about what Christmas Day was going to be like and the references to Tommy who we never actually met.

There is a tiny typo - when lucille is telling Jeff to change 'you're suit'.
Whispering Ranger chapter 1 . 12/29/2008
Aww, this was just the cutest! I loved it, it was so fluffy and sweet and it totally made my heart melt _

"Daddy, we saw a Rudolf a 'da store today!"

The cutest moment ever! :D Aww, a four year old Virgil is just so sweet! Yay! _

Great job on your first oneshot, the sweetness and fluffyness that made me all warm and fuzzy inside was so great _
McHammy chapter 1 . 12/29/2008
I was so busy over Christmas I've only just got around to reading this. Light and fluffy it is, and just enough sugar to make it really sweet. A lovely one-shot Little Miss B, well done. And now I see you've added to "When the Music Fades" - I'll need a cuppa before I read that one!
SN1983 chapter 1 . 12/27/2008
What? No Alan? Sadness...the story was still extremely cute! I loved Virge's method of flying! I also remember putting my little cousins in the closet when they annoyed me. I was mean, I know, but you have no clue how distructive my youngest cousin "sister" was! How about a toddler Alan story next? LOL!
SilverRoseThorns chapter 1 . 12/27/2008

Awesome and all so cute one shot! Merry Christmas!

Your pal,

truegold-dragonstar chapter 1 . 12/27/2008
Heh, that was sweet. I especially love Jeff trying really hard not to let Scott tell Virgil that Santa isn't real - that read very true to me, kids LOVE telling their little siblings that kind of thing, that they know because of their superior age. And Virgil worrying because they don't have a chimney... I remember how I freaked out when we got ours bricked up...

Sad Tom didn't get to arrive, though. Would've liked to see Tom at Christmas...

Pony Girl-Sakura chapter 1 . 12/26/2008
Love it

Sorry my internet was out due to constrution to my house
Unicorn27 chapter 1 . 12/26/2008
Me loves! This was much better than a "half-decent" one shot. This was AMAZING! I loved the line: "Die Frosty". Classic. I was rolling on the floor. Please do some more pure, fluffy goodness. :) Love reading whatever you post, LMB.
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