Reviews for Abandon
veloth208 chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
Kato seems a bit off here, but not as OC as he is in most Kira/Kato fanfics. You still have his twisted humor, and the overall fic is really great.
Lily chapter 1 . 5/2/2009
A really great story or chapter. I really enjoyed reading it. I think that you should keep writing more about it. I will be very excited to read it. Also, I think that this story is great because of the opinions and things behind it. I love many of the lines and I also think that the thing to a good story is what you have done. Thank you for writing this, this is great and I really like it. You should keep writing a lot more, and just keep going. If you are liking the plot, keep the plot, but introduce more and more characters so that the storyline gets more interesting every time. I also like the way you have created this, layout wise, because you can actually read it.

I really do like this and I would love to see a sequel to it out. Thank you.
XXXMystery chapter 1 . 2/8/2009
This is my 2nd fave pairing and it may be one of the most hopeless.T_T
Chrissy Sky chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
The voice in this is very Kato to me, though perhaps a bit too mushy. I rather liked it.