Reviews for I'm Not Yours
Romancefan1918 chapter 8 . 12/26/2011
Could you please write more! I like the story very much(:
Romancefan1918 chapter 8 . 12/26/2011
Could you l
ffstoryfanatic chapter 8 . 9/13/2009
wow! this is one of the best stories i've read, please finish it, i know it's hard when u no longer like the original story! but you're story is an orignial in itself and has nothing to do with the books in so many ways, and mostly i would love to see how these characters resolve their situation. so... Please! Please! Please! if at all possible to get ur head back into this, it would be lovely to reach the end of this story! sorry for sounding like such a pain!
meloyelo1 chapter 8 . 8/11/2009
im happy that youll continue to write

i love your story

hope you update soon


danireviewsthings chapter 8 . 8/6/2009
WOAH why are you writing if you can't enjoy it? (Ok, in my head its really, "YOU GAVE UP ON EVERYTHING TWILIGHT?", but hey, if its not your thing anymore, then its not your thing.) You shouldn't feel obligated to write if you're not getting anything out of it. Its not like a job. You're not getting paid. Even if you wrap this up quickly in a bizarre way (i.e. E and B running off to Vegas together) just to get it finished, we won't mind that much. And anyway, we don't matter. You don't actually know us in person, so its not like we can storm into your house and yell at you.

I'd just like to point out something that I'm sure others have found as well. A bit of a typo, but a funny one: "She moaned anxiously into my mouse".
tazmcd chapter 8 . 8/4/2009
please please finish this story it is amazing!
Jeanie849 chapter 8 . 8/4/2009
Hey Thanks for updating! I really love this story, you are a great writer! I can't wait to see where you go with this story!
Bella Edwards chapter 8 . 8/4/2009
i really like this story so far. i m sorry you no longer like twilight but i hope you continue writing this story.
tinkerbell72 chapter 8 . 8/3/2009
I am still enjoying the story. I would love it if you were able to finish. I think that Edward and Bella deserve the chance to further their relationship. Sometimes things happen for a reason and I would love to see how this all plays out.

Good luck to you and thanks for the update.
amymorgan chapter 8 . 8/2/2009
Oh, mixed feelings are the worst! Understand both lovesickness and fidelity and guilt. Wonderful chapter, sorry I'm late, I was at Twicon!
Nutta4444 chapter 8 . 8/2/2009
~ I cant believe you have fallen from the Twilight clouds ? # Please finish this story I love it and need to know how it all turns out. Please update it I hate having stories unfinished. ~
Merciless Vixen chapter 8 . 8/1/2009
I was really happy to see the update. Were you serious when you said you no longer like Twilight? I am sad to hear that. I guess I started to read ff, not because I thought Twilight was so great, but because it let me down in so many ways. I thought Twilight was a great idea for a saga that fell flat, imo. FF has given me what Twilight did not.

I would love to see how this story ends, but I fear that if you feel so negatively about Twilight and the characters that may come through in the story. But, I'm not a writer, so, maybe not.

I was so excited when you said they were going to kiss during New Year's, but when I read it the kiss didn't seem to fit. Edward was perspiring, feverish, and in pain. I just kept thinking maybe he has swine flu, and bella just tongued him. But, nevertheless, the kiss was well written and I like how you had Edward continue to draw her in.

This has been a great story, and could really be awesome. I hope you find your muse so that we can reap the benefits! ;)
Ghosts in the Snow chapter 8 . 8/1/2009
Love the story!
BingoFish chapter 8 . 8/1/2009
Yay! An update! I'm so glad, you didn't abandon this story.

I'm so curious how those two will cope and figure things out.

Love this story and your writing and I sincerely hope you will finish ths story.
DeeplyAddicted chapter 8 . 7/31/2009
I really like this story and i hope it works out. please write your amazing!
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