Reviews for Brothers In Arms
harmonized chapter 4 . 8/24/2017
It's great to see different sides of Kai and Amber through your stories, though they'll always care some specific traits, and this is another story which captivated me! Looking forward to seeing more .
kai-kakashi chapter 4 . 4/27/2014
Ahaha awh man I missed reading your stories they are always so amusing.
I can't remember what was going on in this one but ah well I can get the gist of it ;) look forward to seeing more :D
moonstone-91 chapter 4 . 1/19/2014

Great story so far :) I'm enjoying the platonic Amber/Kai relationship though I'm excited to see how that progresses. Kai's behaviour at dinner was very interesting and I'm curious to see where you're going with it.

You know I'm starved for some more of your writing ;)
shobot chapter 4 . 11/18/2013
I used to read your stories years ago. Reviewed a lot but can't remember my log in name for the life of me. Admittedly hungover this morning but that led me to clear out the junk mail and I found this update. No clue why it was in the wrong mail box but so pleasantly surprised. Feeling a lot better now and I always loved your way with words. Will need to re read your other stories!

Saye chapter 4 . 11/3/2013
Let's start off by congratulating you on successfully continuing this story after a bit of a wait with a flawless transition. Words cannot express how excited I was when you told me you were working on it and on top of that, I got sneak peeks which I'm always very, very fond of. However, that's something else I must applaud you on. Even though you give me sneak peeks and ask my poor opinion on certain things, you never spoil what I should expect next because whenever I read the full thing, I never feel like it's been regurgitated.

But without further ado, onward to the review of epic proportions!

Firstly, we kind of touched on it the day you were writing it but I love how you have given us a new Tala. He's cold, he's bitter, and he's down-right snarky. I love him. It's a change from his usually bro-mance attitude but he hasn't lost any of his clever sarcasm. I feel as though I'm relearning him and that makes it much more investing. Plus, I bet you are relearning him too which will make it more fun to write him. Or, at least, that's what I assume. Concerning his behaviour, I'm glad you went this way with him because it makes the most sense with his - and Kai's - situation. They don't want this union between their parents and of course it would make them uncomfortable. And when boys get uncomfortable, it usually means some serious tension and we see that.

I know how worried you were about the supper and how it was blocking you out but I'm really happy with it and it seems like once you got going, it came out smoother than even you thought. I love how the pretty little supper went to shit since it was bound to and you handled it really well without it seeming over-dramatic or cliche.

You always have amazing skills in writing the dynamic of friendships and it showcases here in the flip of families and how they interact. How you write such an abundance of characters and nail each interaction or even just their thoughts and behaviours I'll never know. When I read the scene with Tala, Miguel, and Emily, it makes me think of relatives I have and how we bicker and fight. And my favorite scene of all is the ending where Tala storms out. Lawrd, I know how he feels (if not in the same situation sense).

Grace fits the image of the experienced mom so well. She's kind and nice to Amber and pleasant and sweet to Nicolai but isn't afraid to scold her children. Nicolai, the alpha but hopeless dad. He scolds Kai but can't reign the guy in which only makes sense. These two have a trying time ahead of them.

Kai was such a prat in this chapter but it worked well. You found the happy middle between building tension and his exploding ire when he took it out on Amber. And poor Amber handled it like a champ. You also did a nice job of not making Kai look like the villain either. We got a quick glance into his head and how he knew he shouldn't have been so mean to Amber but justified it in his way. I really enjoyed his mind's sneak peek too and you do flawless transitions between that omnipresent third person point of view of the characters.

I can't wait to get more of Amber's wit and see how Kai and her reconcile. I know you gave me an idea but if that plays out or not, we'll see. However, I cannot wait for the next chapter whenever that will be since I know you are going to be very, very busy with your new Nano project.

I can't think of any creative criticism right now. *sobs into my arm* I'm so useless for writing but I hope I at least boast your write ego a little since I'm one of your biggest fans.

[Warning, this has not been proofread because this person is a lazy S.O.B.]
halas chapter 4 . 11/2/2013
I'm so happy that you're continuing this! I love love Amber and Kai and it's so good to see an update in this story! Hoping the next one comes soon too! Cheers!
Nexess chapter 4 . 11/1/2013
You know the worst part about you posting after so long? I forget most of the other stories and spend three days re-reading everything you've written. Just wanted to point that out 3

I'm generally ok with how this chapter progressed. I understand Kai's veiled attempt to draw attention off of himself and more towards Amber as a form of emotional protection for himself, mostly so he didn't have to interact with Tala and the other two and discover he actually enjoyed their company, cause then how would he maintain his dislike of them.

But I would have liked to see a more lengthy confrontation with his father, more to the fact that it's been building since chapter 1 and he's obviously been dealing with these pent up feelings of abandonment for the past several months, or maybe year, since the two did meet about year ago you mentioned, but didn't start dating till six months prior.

Though I did find Amber's reaction a bit different than I expected, I would have figured, from the other stories where her personality is more laid out, that she would have been the one who flipped and walked out, causing Kai to actually chase her or something along those lines. Mind you I'm betting you're planning that for the next chapter, I could see him sneaking over to her place later to apologize.

Over all though I enjoyed the read, as per usual!

_ You can totes update SLTS now, I've just re-read it and now I want to know what happens... Along with DC, wanna know what's up there too!
Snodil chapter 1 . 10/31/2013
Ooo i love the start of this :)
LadySnowTheStark chapter 4 . 10/29/2013
Please keep updating, this story is both hilarious and dramatic enough to keep me addicted!
Leina chapter 4 . 10/28/2013
Eeeeeeeeeeek! I am *so* thrilled you've updated this!

Kai's being an asshole to Amber and deserved every bit of her fury. Personally, I think she should have smacked him for the stunt with the chair and left then. It would seve him right to deal with it on his own. I do wonder what will happen next.
gabster-amy chapter 4 . 10/29/2013
I was like...What? And Update? And then one second later I went...wait, which one was this story? Anyway, enjoyed the chapter! Hope to get more updates from you.
signourney chapter 4 . 10/28/2013
Wait, I wasn't expecting an update on this! Not that I am complaining or anything haha.
Omg Kai. You deserve whatever Amber is going to serve up to you in the next chapter. Poor Ams.
And Tala honestly needs a kick up his arrogant ass too!
Senie chapter 4 . 10/28/2013
Perfect, can't wait for more!
Don't make us wait so long next time ;)
Shiningheart of ThunderClan chapter 4 . 10/28/2013
Wow, Kai. Way to be a dick. He so didn't need to say any of that. I wouldn't be surprised if Amber slapped him the next time she saw him. Update soon!
Helraisingstar chapter 3 . 7/26/2012
I really like this so far :D
I love the bickering between Amber and Kai, keep it up plz! :D
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