Reviews for Without Honor
DVOffline chapter 10 . 7/17/2016
I have to admit that the first chapter almost scared me off. Even with your warning I didn't expect it to be that graphic. It certainly added to the story though. It was great! Thank you for writing it.
Freyasboy chapter 10 . 2/18/2013
What a brilliant story. Wow, so much angst, hurt, comfort, whumping, yet a happy conclusion.
liv scully chapter 10 . 1/28/2012
amazing story-cried and laughed as I read it! You have a good way of building the characters into your own storyline yet still maintaining their core personalities. Keep writing these stories so that I can read more...
diggety71 chapter 10 . 5/29/2010
i thought i was the only one who still said welp! XD
StargateGirl72 chapter 10 . 1/13/2010
WOW! This is one of the most amazing stories I've ever read!

Man I wish I could write like you!

Please keep writing stories!

WhiteElfElder chapter 10 . 1/10/2010
I do not think that a simple few days or even a week would be enough for Daniel to deal with his past, not unless someone either did hypnotherapy or somehow blocked most of the memories.
Raine24 chapter 10 . 1/7/2010
Oh I'm glad you updated the story and a bit sad its over but glad that Daniel and Jack were able to resolve their issues.

I have one question is Tommy and Patrick the same person ... just slightly confused.

Great story
mamapranayama chapter 10 . 1/6/2010
Great story. Loved all of the angst. Thanks for sharing this. :D
welfycat chapter 9 . 11/12/2009
This is really well written. I hope that it's not finished and that there's more to come! Good work!
Zuzanny chapter 9 . 6/23/2009
Poor Daniel. Warm fuzzies to him.
Kateari chapter 9 . 6/12/2009
Kateari chapter 7 . 6/12/2009
aw poor daniel! this is great!
B00kw0rm92 chapter 9 . 5/22/2009
AMAZING story! Man, poor Daniel! I REALLY hope you update soon!
tohru80 chapter 9 . 5/14/2009
AMAPADME chapter 9 . 4/22/2009
Oh god poor Daniel going off to that hospital. Life can be so cruel sometimes. I just hope Daniel can learn to trust Jack again. This is tough thing to get over.
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