Reviews for My Friend
delete-account-please 5424271 chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
Splendid story really liked it.
delete-account-please 5237847 chapter 1 . 8/24/2014
Really fantastic story liked it.
delete-account-please 5149757 chapter 1 . 7/20/2014
Really marvelous story.
delete-account-please 4171342 chapter 1 . 7/14/2014
Really stunning story.
Deadly Chakram chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
Very nicely written. Poor Jimmy! I like this little look into his head. :)
MadaMag chapter 1 . 5/11/2009
This story is great, and Jimmy deserve his credit.
True Love Lives Forever chapter 1 . 9/5/2008
This was sad, but very true and exceptionally well written. I loved every bit of it and it even made me cry. I loved the way you wrote this. Jimmy's thoughts/feelings truly have been almost forgotten even on the show and this was a great way to change that. BRAVO!
Lara-Van chapter 1 . 9/5/2008
Holy. Crap.

Oh god, now I feel just AWFUL. I spent so much time in that episode thinking, 'Oh god, now maybe FINALLY Lois will see just how much he really means to her'... But, just like everyone else, I completely forgot Jimmy. Jimmy Olsen, Superman's pal, the only guy who ever saw Clark Kent as a superman, as more than just a good reporter. Somebody who respected him ever bit as much as his true mild-mannered self as he respected him as the super.

And I forgot him. I forgot Jimmy. I didn't see how much he would have to be grieving. Jimmy, Clark's best friend (unless you're counting Lois, which I guess I do), his little brother figure... Jimmy is the strong one. The one who just keeps going, doggedly, when everything falls apart around him, being stoic for everyone else...

I forgot him. How could I forget him? Now I feel horrible.

I almost- ALMOST- cried when I read this. About as close as I ever come, I think. You really are a fantastic writer.
mamaXunicorn chapter 1 . 1/21/2008
aw that was so sad. That Old Gang Of Mine is one of my favorite episodes of Lois and Clark. and i just always felt bad for poor Jimmy.
delete-account-please 742011 chapter 1 . 6/4/2007
yeah great story.
Maggy chapter 1 . 12/18/2006
This is a beautiful story. Poor Jimmy.

I've been reading through the L&C stories these past few weeks, ever since I got the DVD collection for Season 1 as a gift. I know that since I haven't seen the Kerth Award show yet (on this round), the Jimmy in the story must be represented by Justin Whalen, but in my head it's Michael Landes's voice I hear. :-) (No offense meant to Mr. Whalen.)

Anyway, I've been reading through, and noticing how consistently well-written and well-developed your stories are. You have a real feel for the inner character, and your means of expression could easily be professional.

Thank you for posting this.
SamwiseAtHeart chapter 1 . 10/24/2006
This was really sad. You had me in tears. I think you portrayed Jimmy's thoughts perfectly. He has the right to grieve over Clark. He was his role model. This was a nice little fic.
Sheraven chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
Another excellent story. I love the fact that you did this from Jimmy's perspective, there is so little from people who aren't the main characters. Thank you.
jrhughes chapter 1 . 9/10/2003
Wendy, I've read this story on the LnC Fanfic site as well as here. It is a rare thing to be able to tap into the emotions of a secondary character and give them the sense of life and feeling as you have.

This story touches an emotional chord with me in that we really feel the character's pain and anguish at the loss of his friend.

Thank You for the effort and a great read

Sethoz chapter 1 . 7/29/2003
*sobs* That was so good - poor Jimmy, 'bout time someone wrote about what he felt. Thankx for such a lovely read!

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