Reviews for Divergent Paths
SentaiPurpleRanger chapter 10 . 6/6
I wanna see this World's Android Saga.
Please continue this.
But I also want to see the "original timeline" world go through Super.
Seeing 'geeta and little Goku control Oozaru should Inspire Vegeta to regain his tail and try to mix Super Saiyan and Oozaru.
tarrangar chapter 9 . 4/4/2019
Shouldn't Vegeta have tried Oozaru before telling Goku to join in, sure it's not Super Saiyan, but the boost would have gotten him equal to Freeza's forth form.

Vegeta going Super Saiyan was awesome of course, but I would think he would try Oozaru, before trying the option he was afraid would kill him.
Sacraa chapter 10 . 6/18/2018
it was amazing. I went on my god when gohan called vegeta uncle for the first time. then chichi and goku's advice to him piccolo being grumpy and just reading about the characters was heartwarming.
I could imagine the fight. I could imagine it all happening in front of me.
it was a great read.
I love how far goku and vegeta have come along and it's so great to see Vegeta being the lead for once
Crystalzap chapter 10 . 4/11/2018
this was great! I am glad they won, though Gohan couldn't really take all the credit for his fight as his mom saved him but still the oozaru was a good trump card. I liked that you have Chichi keep train after Gohan was born, she really could have been a better character in cannon if she had something to focus on that wasn't making Gohan study all the time.

And the double teaming was an interesting twist, thought that was pretty cool. In canon they always tried to make it have some felling of fairness that most the fights were one-on-one but really they're fighting for their lives, homes and family, who is really going to fair then?
tess4aria chapter 10 . 9/19/2017
This was great!
Look what Jesus did chapter 10 . 7/11/2017
Slight error with kami gone the dragonballs would be inert
AntiCreator chapter 2 . 2/10/2017
Gratitude incantation. I love it
Guest chapter 10 . 2/8/2017
this is really an amazing story
Nostalgic Beauty chapter 10 . 6/2/2016
I reall enjoyed these two stories. Vegeta's story is so tragic. It's nice to see him get the win for once.
AntiCreator chapter 10 . 4/7/2016
I have to ask. Is there a sequel for this that covers the androids and cell? I understand if there isn't but it can't hurt to ask eh? Excellent stories by the way.
robvegetto chapter 1 . 9/5/2015
I really enjoyed this, but theya re two more stories you have to tell.

The First one is Cell

The Second one is Majin Buu
Bigou chapter 10 . 4/26/2015
I loved this story, along with the one that caused all this. (The one with Trunks and Goten wishing for younger version of their fathers.)

And the way "Divergent Paths" make me wish to read how much the others adventures of the Z fighters got altered, even if I know why one wouldn't necessarily want to dwell more on an AU he created.
Hatchacha chapter 10 . 3/20/2015
I must say I've really enjoyed your work
CharmingButIrrational chapter 10 . 10/24/2014
i thought you had cured goku from his stupid fucking behaviour...i guess not...waste of time
Guest chapter 10 . 6/23/2014
Certainly one of my fav stories
I've always always wanted vegeta to defeat frieza!
We'll written!
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