Reviews for Diggory In Deep
owlzilla chapter 12 . 9/15
Very interesting! I'm a bit surprised by how heavy Dumbledore's punishment here is (though I'm assuming Hermione got back the house points Cedric unfairly took) - considering the numerous times people have done just as bad or worse and gotten off lighter (Sirius setting up Snape? Harry almost killing Draco? he only got detentions for that one). Especially considering all that happened with Cedric (he DID deserve to lose head boy status for his flagrant abuse of power) before Cho decided to go full evil - if anyone should be on very thin ice at this school, it's Cho. I went to private school and if I spoke that way to someone at my school, I would have been lucky not to be expelled. You would be hard pressed to find someone who wouldn't react aggressively when pushed that hard. Though I maintain, if Cedric hadn't already been cutting her down, humiliating her, and scaring her a bit she might have been able to walk away. I guess I just feel like Hermione was put in a situation so unbearable, you couldn't have expected a different response from one so young and sensitive.

Cedric is a very interesting character in this story; I'm torn between liking him and wanting to shake him. It's funny how charmed I am by Viktor in this. Until Cedric gets his shit together, I am very pro climbing that boy like a tree (which Hermione seems keen on doing, considering what Cedric saw - good on her).
zdra8351 chapter 12 . 8/1
Cant wait to read more, Hope you update soon.
kazafnian chapter 12 . 3/24
hope you will update very soon
funstt chapter 12 . 11/11/2019
Ahh, just re reading. Still good!
AliceCulen chapter 12 . 11/10/2019
Wow. I found and read your story by accident but, I was not disappointed. In fact, I look forward to reading the next part of Hermione and Cedric's adventures! You don't like Cho, do you? Because, you depict her as a nasty character lol. I don't blame you, she is a character I don't particularly like (like Molly, Dobby,...) but I don't hate her (but I really, and eventually, can't stand Ron). Fortunately, for me, you pointed out Ron's, quite frequent, nastiness towards the others and especially towards Hermione and even if I don't think he is a bad guy, sometimes, I think he owes Harry and Hermione an apology for being a total arse frequently during all the saga... Anyway, you evoke a rare pairing which I find interesting and funny. The way you translate Cedric's thoughts and Hermione's is interesting and quite faithful and correct. So, don't stop here, your work so far has been perfect and I really want to know how this story ends :) !
FoxyLovesDrama chapter 12 . 6/20/2019
I L-O-V-E this story! You got me hooked already. I love the way you added some flare to the characters. )
ADHARYN chapter 3 . 1/28/2019
This story is incredibly well written so far. I love your attention to detail and the realistic nature of the way you portray all the characters
ADHARYN chapter 1 . 1/28/2019
I love the voice you're developing for Cedric, it's really well written and strong. Excited to read more, you already have me hooked :)
Guest chapter 12 . 1/4/2019
this fanfic is amazing so please continue it if you have time. i would hate for it to end without knowing what Cedric's reflection on the matter is.
jessbb27 chapter 12 . 12/30/2018
I really hope you keep this story going so good!
I'mImmortal chapter 12 . 10/13/2018
I love how hou developed Harry’s character! And Cho deserves more than what she got. What a bitch. Dumbledore should also punish Cho not just Cedric and Hermione
Guest chapter 12 . 10/3/2018
This is an amazing story and I love How you’ve developed the chemistry ebteeen Cedric and Hermione. I can’t wait to read when they finally realise they have the hits for each other. I bet it’ll be explosive. Love the progress between harry and Hermione also. I’m glad to see harry finally realising what a gem Hermione is.

Can’t wait to
Guest chapter 12 . 7/29/2018
Wow. Love your story I cried with all the hate full things cho said about hermione and how sweet harry was I hope you find time to post again
Guest chapter 12 . 7/4/2018
Tbh i really think Cedric is acting like an a**hole... Hermione deserves better than that. Pls update soon!
kiki.cynkia chapter 12 . 5/13/2018
I really hope you update soon! I just started reading the story and I love it. I want to read Cedric's apology and Krum reaction to the awful events! Looking forward to read the next chapter!
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