Reviews for The Yankee
dragonBug27 chapter 18 . 10/4/2019
Wow, what a crazy story! A completely wild ride! Not without its flaws, of course, but very entertaining all the same. I really enjoyed DiNozzo and Gibbs' relationship. In canon, Gibbs is quite forthcoming with the head slaps in the work space and it makes sense that such physicality would escalate outside that environment - and that neither men have any problem with it. I'm very much like McGee in this story - quite disturbed by it all (in both canon and this story) but it seemed to work for the two men in question so who are McGee and I to complain? Ziva was a bit of a wild card at the end since she featured very little in the story tbh but I'm not complaining. I think the epilogue could have made for a wonderful sequel, actually. Nice job, dear author.
Bowtie42 chapter 6 . 9/15/2019
To be blunt, Gibbs is coming across as abusive and racist. He is psychologically and physically punishing Tony, making Tony relive his horrible childhood. Gibbs is also culturally insensitive and controlling, he makes Tony speak and dress in a certain way and is outright banning Tony from speaking Italian. Tony is Italian and so is his family they communicate by it and it’s absurd that Gibbs would forbid him to speak it. Not to mention when he firs found out Tony could speak it, he WAY over reacted- most people would just see it as cool. But no. Gibbs yells at him for it making him flash back to a time when he was being horribly abused. I love this plot but the character of Gibbs is awful. I hope that in future chapters he becomes more tolerant.
buckeyekaptn chapter 4 . 3/25/2019
don't know if you still reading reviews but putting the translations at the bottom and not near the conversation like last chapter is very annoying. good story otherwise.
amaia chapter 13 . 1/1/2019
It's 10 years later, & I'm leaving a review...chap 13 is incredible; it'd make a phenomenal movie scene... so real. WOW !
Ihatechoosinganame chapter 18 . 3/20/2017
Absolutely amazing story. I love Dinozzos crazy family...well except when they are trying to trade him the the Mafia. really well written
bleeb90 chapter 18 . 8/25/2016
Beautiful. I had an amazing read, thanks for putting this lovely story online.
creativesm75 chapter 18 . 5/29/2016
karen1025 chapter 18 . 1/31/2016
Such a beautiful story. Loved it!
dinozzolover29 chapter 18 . 3/25/2015
Read this countless times and love it more and more with each reading, you have me literally laughing out loud. Wonderful story thoroughly enjoy it.
FictionisMyReality12 chapter 18 . 9/15/2014
hahaha love this story so much!
magis1 chapter 18 . 8/19/2014
OH MY GOD! First the suspense, an all-italian Long island family, bawling in St Pat's - having me in tears - and then a birthday party that couldn't be funnier if you tried. Well, at least in my head-cinema the meeting of NCIS an the sicillian family was hillarious.
Love the touch of DI in Gibbs' handling DiNozzo and meeting his needs.
The final scene is just fitting - as revenge for the letter as well as for the relationship between our two heros.
Thanks for sharing this - and Thanks for giving DiNozzo such a colourful family
Guest chapter 18 . 5/26/2014
Tony's family is so manipulative yet so funny
I nearly burst out laughing when I was in the middle of a lecture
prince-bishop chapter 3 . 6/17/2013
Where is Ziva and McGee?
asdfhgjdksaotheu chapter 10 . 5/26/2013
Whumped Tony - I like your portrayal, and how he still has a sense of humor when he's in excruciating pain. This is fantastic.
asdfhgjdksaotheu chapter 7 . 5/26/2013
"The hell's the matter with you? Curse like that in my house, who does he think he is?"
"Don't you talk like that to Paulie, can't you see he's dying!"
"I want a Jew doctor. You make sure they give me a Jew."
" "Don't you think you've had enough", some blonde creature asks me. Holy shit that's Bianca."
"Rehab's for quitters!"
"I'm sorry if I were gay, I could do so much better."
"I am your Italian Stallion"
"She's just jealous that Israeli doesn't rhyme with stallion."
"God, sometimes I wish I was gay just to piss him off."
This chapter exhibited a mastery of the one-liners. I couldn't breathe for the duration of it. BRAVO!
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