Reviews for Jinxed!
Aldedron chapter 5 . 1/9/2010
*ecstaticly overly enthusiastic* Whoo, that was awesome! To read the NEXT sequel!
severineyung chapter 5 . 1/29/2009
*Sob, that's the end already? But it's nice we'll have a sequel, there's good suspense generated here! *grins in sunshine again.

That was Grandpa Max's t-shirt? What a coincidence, I happen to be a big fan of Ben 10 as well! And I love cross-overs, yay!
severineyung chapter 4 . 1/26/2009
Yay! They're Robining again! I wonder how BB and the others convinced Raven to wear his uniform with them too!
Toriano.Flacko chapter 1 . 1/23/2009
? Who is this wierdly dressed mo-fo? What te smex is he doin'? And why does BB smell like peanut butter?

BB: What?

severineyung chapter 3 . 1/23/2009
Oohh I really like the references to the episodes!

If you had a brain, that is.”

“Dude! I totally have a brain. I just—”

“You just don’t use it much, I know.”

“I never had any idea about how complicated you are, Cyborg,” replied Starfire, looking down at the body she was in.

“How d’you stand all this hair?”

“Same thing I asked,” said Raven grimly.-Lol!

Yet the only downfalls of this chapter is that everyone, especially Beast Boy and Raven seem to be able to control their powers too easily.

Remember all the trouble they went through in "Switched?" Though Beast Boy may not be as emotionally volatile as Star, I would still imagine him blow up lots of things by accident before gradually gaining control. I'm not sure about controlling BB's powers, though it might be more interesting if Raven had trouble animal-morphing.

Oh well, I guess I just like to complicate things!
severineyung chapter 2 . 1/18/2009
Yes! At last somebody's doing a "Switched" episode for BB and Raven! I've always wanted to see what they can do with their powers switched! (Since Raven's and BB's powers are the most interesting, in my opinion. Not to mention they are my two fav Titans!) Thanks so much for putting this idea in!

I also appreciated the bits of humour in this. E.g.

he realized that, unfortunately, it had been a dream.

Ah, man! (I can TOTALLY imagine this happening to poor BB!)


The suspense of this reminds me of "Nevermore":

he was in the one room in Titans Tower he was never supposed to be.

He was in Raven’s room.


Oh and one more part:

“What are you doing in my room, Beast Boy?”


“Out. Now.”

Yep, it’s her, all right.

“Uh, Raven,” he said timidly, “technically, this is my room.”

Haha! Imagine Beast Boy actually saying that to her in the cartoons!

Anyway, great work! Looking forward to new chapters though don't force yourself to write if you have too much homework. I'll just wait for the story alert! :)
severineyung chapter 1 . 1/12/2009
Finally the sequel is out! I'm not sure what allusion the guy's shirt is hinting at, but the haiwaian style sort of reminds me of BB's tourist shirt in "Trouble in Tokyo" for some reason.

And you're right, it is kind of too short for satisfaction...please update soon!