Reviews for Aishiteru
splitskip chapter 1 . 5/2/2013
Okay! I don't really like Sasuke or Itachi (I hate Sasuke, but I like him as a child, and I like Itachi to the point where I can include him in loving an OC) that much, but GEEZ. This made me want to cry, and I write my OC's lives as horrible as possible. I love it!
Uchiha Undead chapter 1 . 2/14/2013
:O Again, you write great I just think you could work on some grammar to make this even better. I mean seriously, this is really good. You should be proud to write this! I don't know why you aren't popping up with 100 reviews or something.
I loved this story because it's creative. I am always trying to find creative things, and I never can. So that bothers me plenty. I kind of want to hug you right now, because this is amazing. It's creative, and there's no detail missing, but if you wanted to add some more, you could. You leave so many things open, and it's just confusing me why you don't have more reviews.
inactiveacountinactive chapter 1 . 9/26/2011
I hate your story! How fucking lame is this! Who the fuck kills their own oc? Do you know how fucking stupid that is?


Can I get muffined now? 3

Okay, ignore the first line, I just wanted to get muffined.

I have to say, I really like your story. Somehow, you keep Itachi perfectly ic.

That's pretty brill if you ask me, because I know how tough that is...

Hihi, no, seriously, it's a really good story.

X, Faith Bell.
Shiori chapter 1 . 3/28/2009
OMG, your story is amazing! Keep on writting!
TeamTHEFT chapter 1 . 1/13/2009
Aw...the happy pills. They help out a lot, huh?

Well, the oneshot was freaking amazing, yeah!

I absolutely adore it. Er, maybe adore was the wrong was really good but depressing and sad, just the way I like em. Lol. Your Loyal Fan Who Wants A Sequel,
