Reviews for Know Thyself
gagadu chapter 31 . 8/28/2019
Wow! Thank you so much for this story, I wished your muse would return though. You are a magnificent writer!
AidualcLupa chapter 30 . 5/19/2019
Just read this story again and would like to thank you! It's an awesome, marvelous tale! You captured the characters perfectly and I'm still intrigued. So sorry you quit writing... Thank you for sharing, hope to hear from you again and till then all the best for you!
AidualcLupa chapter 31 . 3/12/2019
I just read your story again and I would like to thank you for this awesome tale! You have had catched the charakters like no other and found a way to unravel some major pionts of CH's writing. I am only sorry you've quit writing... But no surprise after the disapointing development of the books (as well as AB's series). So thank you again for your alternative captivating universe with a happily ever after (as far as I am concerned)!
rikartemis2010 chapter 31 . 6/24/2017
that's where it ends?! I demand restitution! sigh this was an awesome ride while it lasted. it is now 5:54am and I'm officially going to have to nap in the break room at work to retain my humanity. aside from throwing of my sleep schedule, I thoroughly enjoyed this. thank you for the beautiful story. please consider finishing but I wish you the best either way.
rikartemis2010 chapter 30 . 6/24/2017
you'd think after all that he'd be able to say the words. I WISH you would ask about your spark. you obviously have some untapped powers that would come in handy when your in danger, like always. ANY fae skill would be useful to perfect at this point. why do vampires keep being cryptic then walking off?! oh. right. vampires...forget I asked. thanks ever so niall. that is exactly the right time for this. oh sookie. you poor thing. it seems that giant hunk of Viking has something up his sleeve.
rikartemis2010 chapter 28 . 6/24/2017
yes Eric! kick his ass! knew it. will not forget.
rikartemis2010 chapter 27 . 6/24/2017
shit just got real. wtf is happening? (I realize I'm becoming less and less eloquent as this story goes on but I'm gonna go ahead and full-on blame you for that) woot! I was right about the mind fucking! oh Vicky, I'm so not sad for you. just who could be on Russ's phone, I wonder?
rikartemis2010 chapter 26 . 6/24/2017
so those guards are obviously trying to mind fuck her right? I hope someone rips Victor's dick off. this thing is obviously rigged. besides, I hope she realizes that even if this goes well no one's going to magically forget that she was once accused of this. sigh. I'm sorry if I don't fall for your cliffhanger lol (although I might be proven horribly wrong next chapter).
rikartemis2010 chapter 23 . 6/24/2017
oh Trinity, you magical creature, you. I really hope sookie keeps her mind shut tight at the trial. these flashes are coming way too often. it would be SO convenient to lose control at the trial and let something shocking enough to make her react skid past her shield.
rikartemis2010 chapter 20 . 6/24/2017
what is her magic? still unexplained. well done on the fight scene though. the characters strengths were well balanced and believable. unfortunately for the good guys, you can't just go into a fight against a formidable foe and emerge victorious just because your cause is righteous, no matter how fun it is to read. love how you made me bite my nails and root for them. my manicure doesn't love it but I sure do. lol. great chapter.
rikartemis2010 chapter 20 . 6/23/2017
whoo! epic adventure road trip. I have to wonder what made you choose an OC instead of appius.
rikartemis2010 chapter 19 . 6/23/2017
I'm going to try and not be disgusted by Niall's archaic machinations. different upbringing, different values. aww Pam, u big softy
rikartemis2010 chapter 18 . 6/23/2017
well I definitely regret my prior phrasing
rikartemis2010 chapter 17 . 6/23/2017
rikartemis2010 chapter 16 . 6/23/2017
*speechless, biting nails*
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