Reviews for Office Pool
BleuFlyinKittensTimesInfinity chapter 1 . 7/18/2013
It's always McGee's fault. :) LOLOLOLOL I loved it. Good job. Love the mental image of Abby catching them against the Mass Spec. OMG HILARIOUS! :)
Yabbit chapter 1 . 11/25/2011

Mel Storm chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
i am SOOO glad you have the sequel up..otherwise this review would be different. lol it would have been more like "why did you stop right there? continue! continue!" lmao
Alitchen chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
Fantastic. Loving it, very nice one. Thanks for a good story.
NCIS Probalicious chapter 1 . 2/16/2009
Oh my my my Tony and Gibbs caught in the act. way to go abby
SA3466996 chapter 1 . 2/16/2009
Great little one shot. Really good Gibbs voice.
Murgy31 chapter 1 . 1/17/2009
That was so great!
PrincessFi chapter 1 . 1/15/2009
This is really good, just the right mix of fun and romance. Love that McGee won the pool. Maybe you could do a series in which they get caught by different people in different place - ie Ducky catches tham at it in autopsy...
M Chettle chapter 1 . 1/15/2009
A very funny first story. Well done. Would love a sequel. :0)
njferrell chapter 1 . 1/15/2009
No! No! that's it? Pouts...we don't get the "office" meeting? Sniff... but, they could be doing things in there besides talking. Things that use lips and tongues and there's no speaking involved. There could be...gasp...spanking going on in there. Can we get the meeting? Please? And... and you could write about what went on in Abs' lab? What exactly did she see them doing against the Mass spec? What were they doing and thinking that day that they ended up down there? I need more. Pouts again... Are you going to do a sequel? You could turn it into a story instead of a one shot...even if it's just 3 or 4, maybe 5 or 6 chapters. If they happen to have sex in those 5 or 6 chapters(ten chapters even), wouldn't that be great? Smiles...

I thought it was great that he head slapped McGee instead of Tony. McGee's reaction was awesome. "Umm, okay I've screwed up. But... Boss... could you tell me how so that I know for next time?"

I always thought he and Ziva should get some of the headslaps in the show. Tony seems to get nearly all of them and gets most of the yelling also. We clearly know why though. It lets Gibbs touch Tony. Maybe if you write more, you can let him head slap Tim and Ziva a few times. It will balance things out a little, if only here and not on the show. You know...cause Tony might be getting spanked right now and we are missing it. That's so unfair. Shame there's no camera's in there. have Abby Abby wouldn't want to invade Gibbs privasy...Oh who am I kidding...sure she would! You could write that Abby secretly had placed a camera in there because she wandered why he held meetings in there. It's always been so boreing though, just a lot of yelling and a few head slaps. Occasionaly a hush hush folder changed hands. Boreing! But today...HELLO! Is her face red? She quickly starts to shut it off, but then she thinks she could just turn away and record it. She surely don't want to see her best friend/brother Tony and her hero/mentor Gibbs doing that. would make a nice gift for them. And, they didn't hurt her baby the Mass spec...although she thinks if it had feelings it would be traumatised. Still, she's sure they will like it as their Christmas gift and if she insures they don't open or watch it in front of the others...her Caf Pows supply won't be in danger...

Now look what happened! Here I am nearly traumatised myself needing that meeting and the other details off in daydream world. Still though, could write more and ease my pain...

Thanks! Sorry if this is to long.
rosebud26 chapter 1 . 1/15/2009
Very cute. Of course Abby would be more worried about her babies being damaged. *smirks* I guess we know who won the pool. :)