Reviews for Fire Mated
lildeamon666 chapter 16 . 3/8/2011
that was an amazing story! different and so unexpected. kept me on my toes! loved it! great read!
Allyssianne chapter 16 . 8/3/2009
Excellent story... loved the ending. Slightly creepy, would make an excellent Holloween story, but good all the same. Happy endings are good. Hope Trowa finds someone to love (even if its not his nurse).
rupert maxwell chapter 16 . 2/3/2009
Hahahaha,actually i want this to be a little bit longer,good idea boss!*thumbs up*.i always throw away greek comic in my school library,too vulgar!poor teacher who bought 'thousand ships' for only being read by few pupils,she is upset!heh?what am i talking bout?oh ya,i am interested to your study actually,if i'm not mistaken you studied bout religion?its kinda like the main chara of davinci code ka?what is his name?brandon?barton?ah forget it!you studied something like him?

Oh ya,this is good fic!. thanks!
Angel Ran chapter 16 . 1/31/2009
Yay! What an awesome story! I'm almost glad you warned at the beginning that Heero wouldn't be appearing for a while, just because it allowed me to steel my heart and be patient, haha You really kept the tension going all throughout the story, and I started craving those moments when Duo would fall asleep! So sweet! *heart* I'm so happy about the ending though, I was worried for a moment that because of their situation, Heero and Duo would never be together! A little sad we don't get to see more of their post-Heero-embodiment happiness together, but I suppose a story has to end somewhere Love your writing, thank you!
Avenger of the fallen chapter 8 . 11/10/2004
All I have to say right now is: WOW! You're a damn good writer!
Chibis Unleashed chapter 16 . 3/18/2004
aww! that is so cute! _ i love it! it was all mysterious n such and only a few times could i guess the plot. it was perfect! _ keep up the great writing!
Nikkler chapter 16 . 3/17/2004
That was a fantastic fanfic! I love all of your stories! I've read most of them so far and I'm very pleased with all of them. up date on them and write a new on soon
Link Worshiper chapter 1 . 2/4/2004
I've been putting off reading this forever and I"m glad I finally did! Very interesting so far and though I usually wait to tell authors this until I'm finished, I've opted to go read this on your site so here you are! Umm, good work! Yay!
Joon and Poe chapter 16 . 8/29/2003
we loved it! really- great fic : )
Laie Himura de Fanel chapter 16 . 8/25/2003
o I loved your fic! Will you make a next part?
Trio-Spade chapter 16 . 8/5/2003
loved your story!
Crystalstorm chapter 16 . 7/2/2003
Good fic.I really enjoyed reading .
DDaydream chapter 16 . 5/14/2003
That was on of the most brillaint, well written, thought out stories ive ever read. Its left me with a small smile on my face ans warm feeling inside - and that for me is a sign of a good story. **adds to read again list*

Very well done
Fate-sama chapter 6 . 3/23/2003
*clutches chair in death grip* oh, cliffhangar! damn you!

;P j/k love your story, can't wait to read more, but it's about 5 in the morning and i'm seriously sleep deprived. *pout*
Nekocin chapter 16 . 3/21/2003
Heya! I've just finished reading this fic and I think this is also one powerful written story _. The whole mysterious thing and the whole mysterious dreams... it kept my eyes locked to your story here and I just want to say that the story was really well thought out/ well brought out and well described. _ Even though at first it was kinda confusing and stuff, and even though I'm quite a 34 fan, I can't help but love the way how you pair Heero and Duo together in your stories. It makes me wonder if they can also be mmy favorite pairing here. It's quite sad that Hilde was actually the one who'd burnt the whole thing down... although it does makes sense that Heero's spirit or whatever is in her body, giving him his body in some odd way -_-' Anyways, I still love the style of writing, a 10 it is. A 10 for creativity and originality and I think I haven't noticed any grammar faults or something and so another 10 for that. _ Nice work here _. Great work!
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