Reviews for Demons: Guilt and Redemption
sash queen of the jungle chapter 11 . 12/19/2010
Caught up with this story now fantastic. So is there more?
dciphoenix chapter 11 . 12/1/2010
*applauds Clownish*

wowwie, that was bloody fantastic! :O I don't understand how you could wrap it up like that...

I inderstand most of it..i think, i hope...thanks to Mina, anyway...well it was a roller-costerride of a fanfiction...but i am most certanly grateful you wrote it! I loved it loads! Best chapters for me were...1,2 & 7 - the beginning where, everything was starting to kick off adn ch7 where Galvin has it away with Ruby...he showed a darker side to him...

3 thankyou for writing 3 Dciphoenix xx
dciphoenix chapter 10 . 12/1/2010
She;s in love with Gene? Gene's in Galvin's brain hurts...:S

"Alex," he growled, "I have spent the entire day wanting to see you in that dress and now all I want to do is peel it off you." That's sooo something Galvin'll say.


"Nightcap? Rupert," she nibbled his chin. "I was really hoping we could go back to your place and have sex."

Rupert feigned shock. "I can't believe you would suggest that. You British women are so forw-" That's soo A alex-ism...convosation/thing. :P xx

And the "It's your turn now Mr. Hunt." The greasy haired man pointed his gun and pulled the trigger. Gene Hunt spun around as the bullet tore through him...

had me racking my brains, until you reveled what it Finale for me next! :O x
dciphoenix chapter 9 . 12/1/2010
Awww, everything's cutesie-cuddley again! Yayyy. Also nice to see Galvin's background etc, and it seems Ruby's kept her paws off him...i can't help but thinking she's gonna blab to Alex about thier one night-stand...:'/ x It's nice that they've confessed to eachother about stuff..well most of it...ch10 next for me!

"Yeah, well. It was Luke who shot the thing. All I did was run around a lot and shout."

Alex laughed. "I doubt that." Tehe, i saw that! Galvin the liar...:P cute. xx I'll cary on reading! The en'd in sight! xx
dciphoenix chapter 8 . 12/1/2010
wow! Oh, just wow! so really well written, poor Alex with her nightmares...And the kidnapping of Galvin! :O i think that's what it would be like if Demons was on at 9:00, post watershed etc. Glad Luke was there at the end! Brilliantly thought up and written. xxx
dciphoenix chapter 7 . 12/1/2010
I'm reading!

Ommmmmgggggg never expected that to happen Rupert n a teenager...ooohhh the ironey! Well, atleast he's getting over Alex...sorta...that was a naughty, but quite different chapter to this! xx Well R&R (not spoiling it) sorta need eachother, they know what they're going through...i'll carry on readong, loving so far! xx
dciphoenix chapter 5 . 11/30/2010
Nice chapter, getting thriugh the series of Demons brilliantly. Things are looking grim... again...x
dciphoenix chapter 6 . 11/30/2010
Oh my gowd! :O That's taken a turn for the worse! She dumped him, then she got shot...:'( poor Alex and Rupert...:( Very well written, i didn't see the Gene-bashing you were warning peoples about. BTW Did the red hed have a name? x
dciphoenix chapter 4 . 11/29/2010
Awww it's falling apart for the lovers...:S

His job, his relationship...;/and poor Alex, ex's gettig married n she's a nervous wreak..

i thought he was gonna you know, *whispers* rape her...:O things r turning nasty...:/ x
dciphoenix chapter 3 . 11/29/2010
Awwww cute end to the chapter, loving it so far! XXX
dciphoenix chapter 2 . 10/25/2010
Whooo! Yummy smut with a capital 'S' i love the tentiveness that Rupurt has over Alex, bless, nice story, i have ch1 saved onmy phone. :P xxx
kestralspace chapter 11 . 6/22/2010
Okay, feel like an idiot. Just read the other 10 chapters...hooked on the was a continuous stream of gripping, fabulous fiction with a nice douse of smut for good measure! But it doesn't really end...soooooo... sequel!
kestralspace chapter 1 . 6/21/2010

You're not continuing this!
White-Rabbit-09 chapter 11 . 5/31/2010
Omg this was so so good :D Read it all in one and it's unusual for me to have the patience to do that haha :) Absolutely loved it; so clever.
wombledon chapter 11 . 3/8/2010
What the... this is finished! And not only finished, but you added FOUR chapters since I last read it. I really *do* live under a rock. Anyway, that's a very clever ending. Love it, Gene and Alex have their universe and time, while Rupert and Alex have theirs. I like. :)
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