Reviews for Twilight's Reign: A Forgotten Hero
Shadows from Twilight chapter 7 . 1/16/2016
I can kinda empathize with you on that, having an older brother get top ten in high school was quite a strain for me to achieve among other things, although at this point, you are already in college, all things going well. Don't suppose you might pick this up again, would you? This was very well written, and for someone else to adopt this story is a bit intimidating because of that. Regardless, good job thus far and I hope you recover your muse! (Such delicate things aren't they?)
RhymingRobin chapter 7 . 1/26/2015
But... This is the best story ever... So I'll start My in continuing of this story for YOU. I'll P.M you when it's done :) And I'll follow this story if you ever update this again!
Shad0ish chapter 7 . 7/12/2012
I love what I've read so far, and if you ever find your missing muse, I'll be waiting to continue reading until the day I die, or the internet crashes permanantly, which ever comes first.
(And kick your parents asses, they have no right to stop you following whatever dreams you want too)
When-Link-is-bored chapter 7 . 5/6/2012
Although it is sad your not writing anymore, this story is amazIng! I love how you made Link the "mute boy" and him being forgotten and starting as a new guy. I love how at some parts of the story of how when everybody ( the reader) expects Link to do something, but he doesn't! That gave me so much tension and i was screaming "DO IT ALREADY!" but in a good way. Its like everybody tries to show off doing everyday stuff Link does. And i have to say: You make it so awesome when Link takes action! Hopefully you will be inspired and continue on, because this story deserves more reviews!
The One Truth chapter 7 . 4/14/2012
Nooo! You bastard! You have to continue this story! Do you know how hard it is to find good Legend of Zelda stories? Extremely!
Rehtribution chapter 7 . 9/8/2011
I hope you don't get too stressed. You've probably already been told this but don't let your life be run. Your parents shouldn't choose what your career should be, it gives them a false sense of happiness and makes you miserable unless it's what you really want to do. Your parents play a big role in your life but they shouldn't be deciding that for you. Talk to them about what you want to do and be adamant. They're your parents and should respect your decisions. I hope things work out for you, I've just started college myself and I'm going in for game and movie animation.

Good luck and I hope you update someday, your writing is amazing and your style is unique. You have a talent with writing and your plot is solid. Your imagination astounds me and I hope it doesn't go to waste. The background you've made for this is something that I never would have thought of.

Remember that your decisions should be your own. I hope I'm not just repeating what others have said but I wish you the best of luck anyway.
ZeldaObsessed chapter 7 . 7/9/2011
Well, I saw the Hiatus update about three months late, but I still wanted to comment. Al I wanna say is..I understand. I'm sorry that you don't feel the inspiration anymore to write, and I am sad to see this story go, but I get tha lifeis too crazy and insane to focus on writing. I hope that everthing works out for you, Midnight. In school, family, work, everything. I wish you the best :)

an always devoted fan,

kura bura chapter 7 . 6/15/2011
WHY! WHY, DID YOU DO THIS TO ME THIS PRATICALLY THE ONLY TWILIGHT PRINCESS FIC I WAS WILLING TO YOU BUT IT ON !HIATUS! I JUST DIED INSIDE. DID YOU HEAR ME I. D-I-E-D.(plus you mispelled "permanent") IF YA WANT PEP TALK LISTEN TO THIS! j.k Rowling had to submit harry potter 8 times before it was excepted!BE LIKE J.K AND NEVER GIVE UP YOU WILL REACH SUCESS IN THE END! I will continue to check for updates!

see ya!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/26/2011
Hey, I really like your story, real good AND IF YOU DONT CONTINUE, I SWEAR I WILL SHOOT YOU IN THE PUCKING FACE! So, any way, continue.
tehmobilereveiwer chapter 6 . 11/10/2010

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. . . . . ._ ) ). . ).). /. /. \ \. - - . ._

\. \._/. /. . . . . /. /. . . . . . ._.
angelrider13 chapter 6 . 10/10/2010
Update please? I need an update for this! It's really interesting and I wanna know what happens! Please?
Me chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
Hey just read your story and liked can't wait until you start updating again. Sorry about the homework and such!
Guest chapter 6 . 1/18/2010
OC. But not a Mary-Sue type OC.
ZeldaObsessed chapter 6 . 7/6/2009
Midnight! why havent you updated! this is like, my fav zelda story! PLEAASE UPDATE SON!
Boomer chapter 6 . 7/6/2009
Great story. I hope you post an update soon though. I'd love to read more. And by the way, if you're still doing the poll, Zelda.
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