Reviews for LuCK oF THe CaRDs
Kid Darkness chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
This story deserves more then just comments. It needs a GIANT ROUND OF APPLAUSE! What a great story. Period. D
vxcxcsdc chapter 1 . 6/3/2010
LOVE IT ! i saw your video on youtube it was funny i liked your friends reaction :D
twiinklestar chapter 1 . 2/4/2009
That was absolutely incredible! You did amazing, being sick and on meds. The lemon was extremely well written and very descriptive. They were in character too. Fantastic work!

And it's just my opinion, but when you write your titles like that (LuCK oF THe CaRDs) It looks a bit unprofessional and immature. I suggest you write it normally next time. But you still did a great job!

anon azure chapter 1 . 2/1/2009
Fai should know that-

Kuro-Pun will ALWAYS be there for him!


KuroFai For LIFE!
GreenAppleIce chapter 1 . 1/28/2009
I hope you get better soon! Ooh, I like this style because we get to see more of their wonderful charecterizations, the extended metaphor of luck and cards, and of course, the very hot and steamy descriptions :D Will there be more stories written with this approach? Because I definitely would like to read them. I don't know what pain killers you're on, but the story turned out more than great, especially the last half! (drool) Oh the wonders of the imagination... Love this, and get well soon!
ReiMori chapter 1 . 1/28/2009
OMG! that was AWESOME! I have stories of my own but i'm not that good with writing lemons. I have a contest going on to see if anyone can write a good lemon scene for my story "My Question, His Answer". I would like you to participate because you have serious talent. ALthough, if you don't want to, it's alright. But keep writing! I really LOVED it.