Reviews for Looking For Love
Guest chapter 16 . 7/5/2018
Great story. I wish we had altitude more from Edward and Bella about him being intimate with the girls. I mean after Edward knew he wanted Bella which was not long after their hoof date. He knew Tanya was a bad person. And was a bully to Bella. I'm wondering how he not only kept her around but made out with, on the couch and slept next to her at the end. I mean wouldn't that feel like cheating to Edward. And for it to be Tanya would make me wary of Edward. Like he has bad judgement isn't he used to goldiggers from Seattle that he'd know what Tanya was all about. But the fact that he kept Tanya around like that over everyone else is worrisome to me. And wouldn't Bella need reassurance that Edward wouldn't cheat, he's not into blonde goldiggers and why he kept her around. I wish we saw them have this conversation after the show but before the wedding. I wouldn't be marrying him until I could u derstand were his head was at. Because Tanya always pushed sucking on his finger, straddling his lap, trying to have sex all the time. And it always says Edward pulls her closer, he's panting with lush basically every time. But if he know all the thing I wrote above why would he still to that. He didn't try to stop that kind of thing really. Or are we really saying as a man he just gave in to the lust cause I find that insulting and I'm not even a man. But a small bit that show Edward and Bella having meaningful conversations like how many people they've dated and or slept with. How long it's been since the last and maybe Bella saying we're not having sex till we're married. Because they really need to get to know each other better.
Twilighted Nimi chapter 16 . 5/25/2017
I enjoyed reading this story very much. I read a similar story "I'm not falling for you" some time back but in it Bella was the one looking for love on TV:-) I liked that one very much and so was tempted to read this one too. And I'm glad I did. It was pretty good. Although I didn't like Edward kissing so many girls, but that's my problem;-) Overall it was a great read. Thanx for sharing!
PS: you can check out the other story. I'm sure you would enjoy it:-)
lola-cullen-salvatore chapter 16 . 1/5/2017
This is the second time i read thia story and i still live it
Bookz4life chapter 16 . 8/23/2016
absolutely amazing!
ImageRaven chapter 16 . 8/16/2016
I absolutely loved this story! I loved the drama from Lauren and Tanya! I hoped that there would be a bit more of pining for Edward from Tanya, but that's just me. I'm cruel like that. :)
guest chapter 16 . 7/31/2016
Loved it
Alicia Janae Alexander chapter 16 . 6/18/2016
It was good
Ellachanted chapter 16 . 5/9/2016
So, I don't know if you are still around or not, since this story is pretty old. But I just read this and it was a cute story. I liked the idea of a show and the way you set it up was similar to how a show would be. That was very creative. And it could have been a disaster, but it came out great. And Tanya was just like some of those girls on those shows. ;)
Motherof8 chapter 4 . 11/30/2014
Personally, I think this edward is disgusting. I would love to see bella walk out and go home.
Imogen Mulgrew Swan 20 chapter 3 . 8/27/2014
edward fav clouor is blue not brown
debslmac chapter 16 . 7/30/2014
loved this story
sherryola chapter 1 . 5/28/2014
i've read this story several times and I still come back and read it when I want something fun. thanks for writing this story.
mycajunlover chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
I found this story by way of fic hunters on Facebook. Looks like it's gonna be pretty funny. For some reason I love Jane.
momma2fan chapter 16 . 5/16/2013
Great job! could probably use the help of a beta to fix some issues I saw, but otherwise...excellent story. It was tough to read about Edward making out with all of the women, especially Tanya, but I survived. Thanks for writing. Def adding to my faves!
sherryola chapter 16 . 3/26/2013
What a fun lovely story1 I read something else kinda like this once, but it wasn't as well written and was angstier. This had the perfect blend of romance, humor, drama and just downright fun. I loved it, and it's definitely going on my favorites list. i'm going to check out your other twilight fics.
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