Reviews for Naruto: Rosario Kitsune
Guest chapter 2 . 8/26/2018
Why the FUCK did you make naruto so weak?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/30/2018
Really fucking RETARDED go fucking die and take this pece of shit with you reatarted dum fuck
Uzumaki Shadowfox chapter 7 . 5/1/2016
finish this fanfic
Guest chapter 2 . 4/24/2016
See wiki/Rosario_%2B_Vampire and wiki/Naruto_(The_Universe)
wiki/Kurama(see Intelligence)
Guest chapter 7 . 1/26/2014
more u god of men more
don't worry about my name chapter 1 . 12/30/2012
Naruto should've been able to defend her. You make him so damn weak. Like really? I know you probably don't want to overpowering him but come on now. That fight scene sucked butt. Not to be rude, but I think you could do MUCH better. Not only the fight scene though, you make naruto too much like in the cannon. He's too, you know, attached. I was hoping you'd make him nice yet cool with a hint of badass in him. Lets just hope the next few chapters are better,ne?
zanthian123 chapter 2 . 12/28/2011
i understand what you are trying to say but i kind of disagree that they can not stand up against all yokai but they can stand up to some of them. i believe that classification wise they could be considered border beings like witches and there for do have the potential to beat some of the yokai though few could stand up to the higher A and S class yokai, and even then most would need teamwork to beet higher class yokai. a good explanation would be that some yokai are elemental in nature or have an elemental based weakness so if they use a jutsu of the right type could allow ninjas to beat certain yokai for example using lightning on mermaids.
Guest chapter 7 . 9/25/2011
when are going to update I waited long enough
Immortal Madness chapter 7 . 6/29/2011
A wonderful story like always, I truly hope you will continue this wonderful piece of art because it is such a waste to let it go and be washed away by the sands of time.
The Devourer chapter 2 . 11/30/2010
I agree with you on the case of monsters being generally far more powerful than humans. But. Ninja's are basically superhuman, Naruto even more so, he used the Sage Arts for a reasonable amount of time to hold off Pein, the frontman of Akatsuki, of all people; a guy who can crush thousands in one attack. yes I will level with you by saying that Naruto did eventually lose to him when his Sage Chakra ran out, but all Naruto had to was dispel a clone that had the boring job of gathering Nature Energy to recharge. Barring that... crack open a can of Kyuubi kick-ass and berserk the guy to shit. which he did do. going so far as to break himself out of a replica of the freaking moon with nothing but shear strength alone. thats hardcore. And when he was all done the kyuubi cloak just disappeared and Naruto didn't have a scratch on him.

In the mean time lets look at the logistics of Moka beating the Kyuubi... as much as it would be an interesting fight scene it just wouldn't pan out; from your own explanation you would place Moka (true self) somewhere in the S-rank zone... unfortunately for her Kyuubi no Kitsune has been been revered as a herald of Destruction, Despair and Carnage. The comparison is that there is no comparison, though you are correct that they are like animals without higher thought and restricted to instinct when not contained, they are still dumb animals with near-infinite power. What it all rolls down to is: can Moka deflect a nine tails menacing sphere with strength alone?
The real leghendary supersayji chapter 2 . 8/5/2010
good, very good especially your understanding on fannon's main problemnand the fact that the tailed beast are in the Rosario Vampire world c-low B rank if their is a low B rank. naruto should not be godlike in any story their are only 2 people qualified for that

(nagto not the disabled no chlara one that merked sage naruto,fought toe to toe with the six tails and the sage of 6 paths) in tyhe maka world full power nagato is around b rank so even stronger than the kyubi weak madara controlled it like a toy.

another thing is why the kyubi'c hakra burns him, its beacuse of one his emotional control look at bee though he raps and is all energetic he is emotionally stable naruto isnt he is only barely now in 505. if he trains with innner and outer moka on his emotions and the kyubi's form then yeah he could indeed use it withiut burning up just have a limit to his phyiscal condtioning, that why bee could still double team zezu clone after their fight.

by the way whats gonn happen to tskune gonna skip him, rep,ace him with naruto or something orginal, i hope naruto and moka become a couple in your chapters soon. heck it would be cool if he was bitten by moka and beacome a c rank vampire, this would allow him to use the kyubi's chakra and as an idea block off senjustu temporarily until he either becomes stronger or whatever you think lol.

i would like to see the Rosario Vampire gang in the narutoverse like in the 4th great shinobi war, they could go to princess yuki(she is his friend and has country that would be a base to fight akatsuki. if not then he could go to wave/suna for the same reasons.

also on your note on ninja not mastching monsters i agree, their are only 2 that would go near unparelled that is an in prime nagato and maybe the 6 path sage they would be near inner moak's level.

the most powerful monster in my opinion is the ten tails i can't see the sage or any vampire/warewholf fighting against yoki incarnate it is power and must be intelligent to control the evil eye or the jagan.. maybe moka's father but that would be pushing it in my opinion ne

anyway please update lol i like your idea you know more and more i read Rosario Vampire Crossovers the more i wnat to do one, any advice on starting one? reply to my acount or to my email either one:

legendary super sayjin ja Ne
xXMurderousHilarityXx chapter 3 . 7/7/2010
this would make a waaay better story if you manage to give naruto a backbone and make him not let people like yukari not mess with his friends plus he's practicly yelling he's a weakling when he has to take the rosario off in every battle its just pointless...unless other moka's going to beat some sence into him and make him grow a backbone one way or another...and it would be cool for him to get it on with other moka along with pink hair moka lolz
xXMurderousHilarityXx chapter 2 . 7/7/2010
that was an awesome display of skill by naruto at the end when naruto put the rosario back on moka and carried kurumu and moka back to there dorms all while being unconcious that is an impressive display of will on naruto's part
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