Reviews for Worlds Collide
Kurojistou chapter 7 . 2/24/2019
Yeah Edward, that’s disgusting
NancyDrew-BookWorm chapter 13 . 2/4/2018
Please continue, this story is so interesting
YahiKonaNagato21 chapter 1 . 9/12/2016
jk chapter 5 . 8/24/2016
omg please don't tell me that bella has mpd because she was raped...cause that just doesn't make sense...
I hope this isn't that stupid
jk i chapter 3 . 8/24/2016
I find it weird that all of her personalitys are aware of each other...not only that but they know what each other do...its also pretty fucked that BELLA has to say sorry to Edward when it was dale that did it!
aroundsundown chapter 13 . 10/7/2015
thank you all for the wonderful read. though I'm sad this great story ended there
aroundsundown chapter 3 . 10/7/2015
oh so dale does know
aroundsundown chapter 2 . 10/7/2015
i doubt anyone is gonna read this review but I just had to. this is very interesting. I'm no expert but I recently watched videos of people and their alters and most of them don't believe they're an alter, that they're taking over someone else's body and mind. When the alter who doesn't believe they're an alter disappears and is taken over by the main personality or another alter, that alter has no memory. That period they're away is just a blank space. I guess it's the same with this story. B and Emily know about the other personalities but I'm assuming Victoria and Dale truly think they're just Victoria or Dale?
LolaluvsEdward chapter 9 . 12/10/2013
Ok this is sick, leaving all your fake eulogies all over your stories. She faked her own death (admitted it) then pulled that chapter while leaving all the others to get sympathy. This is disgusting.
aoutre chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
People can you please stop? You don't know her situation
all that well just what you have "heard" do you understand
how it may feel for the author? Yes. You may have
experienced your own loss but no need to berate her on
decisions she may have thought were best. And who are
you to say anything anyway? If you hate her so much for
what she did go on and move on your lives. She's childish?
Then what are you? You cowards. Coming here and
commenting hateful things on her stories that she spent a
lot of effort and time on. So just get a life and move on if
she disgusts you so much. Next time if your going to do
something like this on a site like this just shows what
cowards you are for not telling her personally. No need to
come here and wreck a great story for everyone else cause
you feel the need to act like vicious bitches.
oh chapter 13 . 3/26/2013
she will be remembered for years to come,
KatnissandPeeta4evr chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
Umm guys she faked her death...Yeah I know mean right well on May 23rd she updated her status on Facebook and added a friend a hour ago and answered a question yesterday. She really did fake her own death she updated her status on facebook On May 23rd of 2012 and she accepted a friend request about a hour ago and answered a question yesterday. MissSmileySunflower
Just a fan chapter 13 . 6/1/2012
R.I.P Stephanie, you will always be remembered through your amazing stories that actually inspired me to write fan fiction. I think you are a wonderful person.
TigerLily318 chapter 13 . 5/30/2012
Its so sad what happened to DLC ill really miss her writing.
sweetes forbiden candy apple chapter 1 . 4/30/2012
I love it!
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