Reviews for The Guns of Karakura
ej chapter 12 . 7/14/2015
What happens next? Grumpy rukia equals trouble for ichigo
sallythedestroyerofworlds23 chapter 12 . 7/4/2011
Ahh, that epic moment when after months of browsing fanfiction you finally find that one in the bunch that just feels like a book you can't put down...I finally got that moment again! I am loving this fic! Western stories aren't usually my style at all, but merged with Bleach it actually makes it...well freaking awesome XD And I so love the way you turned zanpakutos into guns, it actually makes me think about how Kubo said that when he originally thought of Bleach, shinigami used guns. So in a way, I feel like I'm reading the would-have-been version of Bleach xD

The writing style is really good, the story is great, it feels like I'm watching a movie half the time. Really enjoying this, I hope you guys update soon!
Zero chapter 12 . 5/1/2011
Oi! Please tell me you guys aren't dropping this story. It's been two years! Come on, I want to know what happens next.
chocobojockey16 chapter 5 . 9/5/2010
Aw when Ichigo says "gotcha" sooo cute! 333 love it. I wonder how Ishida's going to tie into the story :)
chocobojockey16 chapter 3 . 9/5/2010
I really like the Sode no Shirayuki and Zangetsu relationship, how they're both special and sorta connected :) Good story so far!
IThrowTheConfetti chapter 12 . 7/12/2010
This is an awesome story. There I have complimented you now bear with me through my insane ramblings. OH MY DOG! Is it not Aizen? Did aizen not kill ichigo's parents? I'm only saying this because after Ichigo and co. left Toshiro came along and gave Shunsui the money and said 'you'll be getting the call soon' also later when Ulquiorra was like 'yeah we killed your parents Shunsui whent 'WHAAT?' So did the soul society have a hand in isshin's death, pay Shunsui to make Ichigo think it was Aizen so he would go off and annihilate him killing two birds with one stone? Hmmmmmmm...
profoundlycan chapter 12 . 6/9/2010
Read through this yesterday and fell in love with it. Excellent story, and I look forward to reading more.
lazyguy90 chapter 12 . 4/12/2010
Holy hell. I haven't checked back for a while and now there are two updates. Bloody fantastic as always gents. Nice one, keep up the great work.
Ulquiorra4163 chapter 12 . 3/27/2010
awesome story. ulquiorra is just as badass as he is in the manga
Kurosaki no Otome chapter 5 . 3/20/2010
holy fuck. lol i don't think they have synogogues in japan... o well. that's really funny cause i'm a jew!
BowTies13 chapter 12 . 3/20/2010
xxkoffeexx chapter 12 . 3/15/2010
Whoa. I ate up chapter by chapter until this latest chapter took me by surprise. :D I really like how Ulquiorra has such a major part in the story, and I feel bad for Rukia because Ichigo's so obsessed with revenge for his family.
MatsuMama chapter 12 . 3/14/2010
UNOHANA. ROCKS. That is all. :p

...ok, that's not all. Cuz the IchiRuki was so deliciously THEM, I don't know how to say how much I loved it. Ah, Ichigo...ALWAYS stepping wrong. :D Also, he's kind of a dick at the end...although it is nice to see him NOT emo-bitchy. :P

And THERE's the wisp of RenRuki. Just don't take it too far, Jase. ;)

GREAT job, as always. My two favorite boys, writing awesome shit together. what's not to love? XD
GhibliGirl91 chapter 12 . 3/13/2010
Lol, everyone's scared of Unohana XD I love her, she a secret badass :)

But trouble in er...(dusty) paradise for Ichigo and Rukia. He didn't have to be so horrid to her though. The sod. And at last the gang nearly complete. You could only have Chad now and they would be pretty much done, I love this kind of thing. Going along, picking up various people for their good qualites, becoming friends. Its like a long (dangerous) road-trip :) Still can't shake the feeling that Ulquiorra might be leading them into a trap. Maybe that's it then Rukia and the others will ride to the rescue. That would be great because Ichigo needs to admit that he needs his butt saving from time to time.
Glon Morski chapter 12 . 3/13/2010
Well, while I admitt that Ichigo was downright cruel when he said that finding his sisters always had been more important than Rukia, I also think that Rukia could be more understanding. I mean, Ichigo started this whole mess with the intention of finding his sisters and Rukia should expect he would't back down just because he found the love of his life (her). That's how men are. Besides, no mater how much one loves his 'soulmate' (if I can call it that, but I think I can), family always is priority, so I can understand why Ichigo was acting the way he was. So I can't really tell who's being more stupid: the man or the woman? Right now, I tend to think that Rukia's being the most stupid one of the two, 'cause she seems not to even try to understand Ichigo, but he's being stupid and cruel too.

ARGH, I can't think straight on the topic right now. Anyway, please update soon, ne :3
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