Reviews for Their Secret Ravel
Purple Nightshad chapter 37 . 11/24/2019
I'm honestly baffled that this never received a sequel.
S.B chapter 24 . 12/18/2016
Wonderful story. Lin/Rathbone is pretty interesting. Loved reading this. I wouldn't mind a sequel :)
TaladarkieJJ chapter 37 . 12/16/2016
I really loved this story. I always sort of liked the idea of Lin and Rathbone.. and you made it work :) Great job!
AizenChu chapter 1 . 12/16/2016
Hi, just wanted to say that I absolutely loved your story! I loved the complex pairing of Lin and Rathbone, and although it seemed undoable as their differences clashed, you managed to expertly twist the story to make them work and compliment each other. I can't tell you how much I utterly loved this story! Definitely one of my big favs! Will there be a sequel? (Please let there be a sequel c:)
Atlantean Pineapple chapter 37 . 4/24/2015
Awww. Gotta say, I enjoyed this far more than I expected. It is one of the best stories I've read on here for a while. Great job, I only wish there was more!
Atlantean Pineapple chapter 35 . 4/24/2015
HE'S ALIVE! I'm so happy right now. I was sure he was still going to die at the end. Sweet relief!
Atlantean Pineapple chapter 30 . 4/24/2015
This is getting sadder and sadder. You're really making me feel for Rathbone, and tension is building!
Atlantean Pineapple chapter 8 . 4/20/2015
I'm really intrigued by your characterization of Rathbone. I love that you are showing us his interactions with people other than Wu Chow. You're humanizing him enough that the reader can feel for him without trying to ignore the fact that he's not a very good guy. I also like the contradiction in his character, that he finds the idea of having killed someone distasteful, and yet has made a deal with someone who is going to kill his relatives for him. Harold and Gilroy were entertaining, and I love the added historical/cultural touches. It's a pleasure to come across a well-written, interesting story like this in a very small fandom!
BlinkzTwice chapter 5 . 7/28/2014
poor Lin...But nice going there!
BlinkzTwice chapter 34 . 7/24/2014
"'This is double-forbidden!'"

That phrase made me laugh, especially how Chon disapproved of Roy as well. But then he comes around and say maybe Lin should consider Roy again...ahhh, the irony. Please make a sequel! I'm practically begging here! The story is so intriguing! :)
BlinkzTwice chapter 36 . 7/24/2014
The way Charlie is portrayed as a boy wanting too be acknowledged as a young man fits just right with your story. Hope he'll be a perfect 'private page'!
But I have a question: how is he going to update Rathbone if he is in America? By mail?
BlinkzTwice chapter 11 . 7/24/2014
Inspector Doyle's scene in this chapter is quite amusing. It's the cute in a way how he is always trying to impress his superiors with his genius mind and theories!
BlinkzTwice chapter 9 . 7/24/2014
You know, I've always thought about this pairing since the first time I saw this movie. And you won't believe how

I reacted when I saw your work! Rare, artistically arranged, and styled. Just need a few commas here and

there...otherwise, this is terrific! :)
BlinkzTwice chapter 8 . 7/24/2014
Ha, ha...I liked how you had Rathbone fuss over his 'disheveled' hair! Nice going there!
BlinkzTwice chapter 4 . 7/24/2014
Ahh, so that's how Wu Chow convinced Nelson to help him with his scheme...
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