Reviews for Playing God
Pepe's Red-Eyed Cousin chapter 1 . 11/17/2014
That is so dark. You're just managed to take the reactions to Kenny's death up to eleven. I'm impressed. Cartman's apathy was hilarious and cold. Keep it up.
TheToxicInterest chapter 1 . 10/3/2014
What a wonderful one-shot! Really, considering the fact that Kenny dies all the time, Cartman's narcissism and sociopathy, something like this would have to happen to the SP boys at some point. I love your description of Kenny's body and the blood on the snow- it's amazing how words can make terrible things seem beautiful, isn't it? (Sorry if that sounds creepy, haha, I just love the way you word things. -shrug-)

X-x-The Toxic Interest-x-X
The QAS chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
It's good. Nice description and very in-character. But I thought that nobody remembers Kenny's deaths (unless this was written before that episode?)
MatchesMassa chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
I love this. Easily one of my favorite sp fics. The characters are all on point, the details are amazing, and the darkness is thick enough to cut with a knife. Bravo, sir!
MOVING TO A NEW ACCOUNT chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
Wow...just, wow...PLEASE tell me that's not all. This needs to be expanded, this is grimdark and amazingly in-character :D
YeMerryHippogriffs chapter 1 . 9/16/2012
Not really sure what to say about this. I would be interested to see what this would be like if you expanded the plot.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
holy shit that is grimdark
stravvberry chapter 1 . 2/7/2011
omg Cartman is so scarry. You did a wonderful job describing and giving this fic a creepy feel. I would deffinetly be interested in reading more on this cartman but at the same time I also think it would be wonderful just as a oneshot. If you are planning on writting more on this PM me plz Id love to read it.
Raptor.Elephant chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
wow, this is amazingly written. Eric really is a psycho.. S
TheyKilledKenny chapter 1 . 4/22/2009
Really good story, and spot-on for Cartman and his absoltute...well...wrongness. The descriptions were really good and disgusting. I can totally imagine Cartman killing Kenny like that, because he's curious, and Kenny will turn up again. You got Stan and Kyle's reactions down pat as well, sort of like the end of "Scott Tenormen Must Die" or "Britney's New Look".
Snodin chapter 1 . 2/11/2009
Well, this too seems like a oneshot, but a very good- if not totally creepy and almost out of character- one-shot.

Out of character, how? you ask. Well, I never really imagined Cartman to be a Kenny-killer; even thought he repeatedly says he hates him, there's also evidence on the show that suggests he considers Kenny to be the more liked of his friends, next to Stan that is. In fact, I think Cartman's lineup of friend closeness ranks like this, highest to lowest: Stan, Kenny, Kyle. But even if Kenny's a second-best friend, Cartman has shown shock and even remorse for his deaths before.

Then again, I'm guessing the boys are older in this fic. Maybe as Cartman "matures," he gets more and more cynical- possibly even downright evil. Yeah, you'd think he's evil NOW, turning Scott Tenorman's parents into chilli and all, but let's not forget that was a one-time thing and no similar incidents have happened since. Perhaps Cartman just doesn't LIKE to do the same crime twice, for the sake of originality.

Or maybe... just maybe... i'm thinking way too deeply about this whole thing.

Maybe I should just say, "Hey, good job! Nice fic, nice and dark. Good show" and be done with it. But seriously? I think there's more to your skill than jst these short one-shots. I think you have the potential to be a serious writer- not just fanfiction, I mean writing in general. You definitely have a way with words, even though (and now I'm REALLY humbling myself here) I sometimes don't know what the HELL it is you're saying! A dictionary coupled with your stories would be helpful. lol

...But I digress. Yes, this was another well-done SP Cartman-centric one-shot. He's brutal, he's dark, he's evil, and I'd be worried that Kyle's next on his hit list. But then again, this is all just fiction. Perhaps we're all taking it way too seriously. ...Or perhaps, maybe that's the very reason why fanfics are so much fun. In any case, masterfully done sir.