Reviews for Secrets that cross
wonderwoman1970 chapter 23 . 6/29/2013
This was an awesome story loved it
wonderwoman1970 chapter 15 . 6/29/2013
wonderwoman1970 chapter 14 . 6/29/2013
this is so wonderful awesome just loving it
wonderwoman1970 chapter 12 . 6/29/2013
poor sammie
wonderwoman1970 chapter 11 . 6/29/2013
ooooh wow I kinda had a feeling John would pop up this was good
Suteko chapter 23 . 12/1/2010
Ok...You have a great story idea here. Lots of action and lots of plot only downside to this is your pacing. You moved too fast from point to point. You had many of the characters spot on but due to the speed you had didnt develop the way I hoped. I definitely think you are going to be a great writer and would love to read more of your fiction..and if you have original fiction I bet it would flow like silk. Keep it up!
FORD B chapter 23 . 10/24/2010
Really good story!
lucyferr chapter 2 . 7/31/2010
This looks like a good story, but it has so many grammatical errors! That makes it hard to read.
Queen Tigeress chapter 14 . 11/24/2009
Hi, i just started reading this story, it's great so far, but in the chapter there is a mistake. When Sam is talking with the mermaid, you have telekinetic, which means the ability to move objects with one's mind, I believe that it should actually be telepathic, which is the ability to read someone's mind and to be able to project your thoughts into someone else's mind. I'll continue reading now :) great story so far, there's a few spelling mistakes here and there but nothing too serious.
Maelle chapter 3 . 11/3/2009
Hello! I'm a french reader and i lov the begining of your fanfiction! I hope undersand a maximum in order to good undestand because i love this both série tv

sorry for faults
sg1star chapter 23 . 9/25/2009
enjoyed your story, and like the connection between sam and helen. The strong character coming across and the way the story developed, hopefully you might have a sequeal to this.
librarymouse chapter 23 . 9/18/2009
Over all that was a great story. I loved the idea of the sanctuary and the stargate team coming together for a larger purpose. Great story. Good conclusion.
J.Stone chapter 23 . 9/18/2009
Two very nice chapters.
sg1star chapter 21 . 9/12/2009
glad that sam returned to where she belonged but am sure that life will still give a few more turns.
sg1star chapter 20 . 9/3/2009
enjoyed reading and catching up with the previous chapters. looking forward to finding out if jack finds sam first or will some else come across her at the grave.
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