Reviews for The New Paul Anka
LeSass chapter 23 . 7/24/2018
I know this story’s been abandoned, but I really did enjoy it. I didn’t think I’d be down for a script-style story, but this is the second time I was proven wrong. Thanks for sharing your creative wits! You really fantastically captured the characters.
LeSass chapter 14 . 7/22/2018
The whole thing I got out of this was TJ and Jess being hot. But it was great. I chuckled openly on the train to work.
LeSass chapter 3 . 7/20/2018
I died at Jess (“I had you.”) You should’ve written the damn episode.
charmedfreak3b chapter 23 . 12/29/2016
? a cliffhanger?... please please please tell me you have not abandoned this story because i need to know what happens next?
Mrs. James Harold Potter chapter 23 . 3/6/2015
sometimes, i have this secret hope that amy sherman-palladino is sitting away on her laptop, furiously typing and posting the ending to gilmore girls that she never got because of stupid contracts and the awful, OOC ending to gilmore girls that was season 7. 9 hours ago, when i discovered this, i realized that perhaps my secret hopes were becoming a reality. you are SO incredibly talented. i know you were made a joke in an AN about how you wanted to write for CW or HBO, but honestly you should.

i hope that ASP and DP stumble upon this one day and contact you in hopes that you join their writing team. i love the script format; as someone mentioned, it reads like an actual episode format (especially the phone conversations, idk why I love that you show it switching back and forth between settings that different characters are in). i love this new, mature relationship between rory and jess. it is everything i would have hoped for and more. matt, chris, and ben and the whole lion king obsession. paris, and her little tests for doyle. matt in general as a person. luke fighting for lorelai to be a part of april's life. emily and richard. just... EVERYTHING. there is nothing about this that i didn't love, or think wasn't totally possible.

and to THINK (as your description hints) that it was all triggered by a couple of extra lines in The Real Paul Anka. I didn't think about it at first because I was so intent on reading through this. But when Jess makes that comment about the importance of Lorelai being involved, Luke calls Lorelai, and Lorelai calls Rory, and Rory tells Lorelai that Jess was the responsible one (not just for this, but for Rory's coming back to Yale). And there's forgiveness and love and happiness and my heart is SO FULL after reading this.

i realize that it has been 4 years since you updated this. so in my mind, i will tell myself that you abandoned this project because ASP actually DID contact you and asked you to help her write the gilmore girls movie. and in june at that festival thing in texas with ASP, alexis bledel, and lauren graham, they are going to announce the gilmore girls film that YOU HAVE BEEN WORKING ON FOR ALL THESE YEARS.

seriously, this is fantastic. i don't think i have enough words to convey how fantastic i think this is.

i'm gonna end this review in hopes that i dont sound like a total lunatic.

xoxo Mrs. James Harold Potter (Sara)
K-Marie-M chapter 23 . 10/31/2014
I live this story and cannot wait for you too update it.
CharmedOpal chapter 23 . 10/18/2014
Okay, you haven't updated since 2011 so I'm not gonna hold out hope, but I will leave a review about how much I love this.

I normally hate script writing, I can't take them seriously. Either it's a story, written with quotation marks and 'he said', 'she said' or its not. But this, this was perfect. I gave it a chance and honestly am so happy that I did. The script style didn't even bother me because I was so wrapped up in the story. It was like watching an actual episode of Gilmore Girls, because you capture their characters so well, and so I really enjoyed it.

I'd be happy if you updated again, but if not, AWESOME STORY. ;D

"Well you do have a habit of recycling your old boyfriends. Maybe they're just hanging around, waiting for their next turn with Rory Gilmore." - HAHAHA I laughed way too hard at this.
CharmedOpal chapter 21 . 10/18/2014
Egbert no bacon.
Guest chapter 23 . 6/14/2014
This screenplay style is a great way to do this story. I am a late-comer to the story, but I am thoroughly enjoying it. Can't wait for the next update!
Ultrawoman chapter 23 . 5/24/2014
I am so happy, and so sad... It's a very weird feeling. This story is epically awesome! It only took me two days to read all 23 parts posted so far - it was almost painful to put my tablet down to do other things like eating and sleeping. It's so good! My problem now is that I realise you haven't updated since May 2011, so the chances of there ever being anymore is almost nil :( Still, I hope you'll read this review so that you know how absolutely wonderful your story is!

Rory & Jess are just my favourite pairing and they definitely should have ended up together. This is one of the best versions of that happening I've read. I also adore the fact you married off Luke & Lorelai, that soooo needed to happen! And now it's all happy couples and babies and... I can't tell you how much I love it!

The whole thing with Truncheon is wonderful. What you've created there with Matt & Chris et al is wonderful and the Lion King running gag just cracks me up! lol As does Matt's adoration of Paris; so much fun! I love that she helped Rory with the Huntzberger take over thing. I think that whole thing was awesome, by the way, even if it does concern me that Rory never told Jess the whole story.

Love that April is part of the family now. Love that Emily & Richard really did buy Luke & Lorelai a house. Love that L & L are planning a baby. Love that Lane discovered sex can actually be really good! lol Love, love, love. You get the picture? ;)

You have such an excellent grasp of the characters voices... and behaviour too. It's just awesome. I really, really hope you are still around and that maybe someday you'll get the urge to add to this excellent piece of work. I LOVE it! :D

rmb151106 chapter 23 . 1/26/2014
Wow it's been years since you've last updated this story and I just have to say that I really miss it. I've read it a dozen times already cause I love it that much and am always hoping it would be updated at some point. I'll understand if you never get back to writing this story but I thought you should know that there are still some people out there that did wish you would finish. Either way I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do.
abdjh chapter 23 . 6/23/2013
This is really good please update NOW!
Scarlet3086 chapter 14 . 6/10/2013
I love that Emily realized she was being like Trix! Too funny
cmtaylor531 chapter 21 . 5/21/2013
Really hope you haven't given up on this story forever. I'd love for it to be finished.
Scarlet3086 chapter 23 . 1/24/2013
So I am out of chapters and I'm sad. I'd love for you to keep this going. I might have said this before, but this is too good to not finish. Honestly, it's great.
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