Reviews for The Right to Live
HardlyFlaccid chapter 30 . 7/4
Thank you so much for sharing this story. It was such an incredible journey to read through, and while I am saddened by its discontinued status, I hope that you are doing well and in a happier state of mind
Guest chapter 30 . 5/31
I wish you well and hope you manage to keep your demons at bay and be happy
Redely99 chapter 30 . 5/15
no se si llegues a leer esto, pero la verdad me alegra que lograras salir adelante, acabo de encontrar tu historia, me disponía a leerla cuando vi que ya no ibas a escribir sobre esta, fui a las despedidas y leí todo, quería leer esta historia, pero al ver que esta plasmada de las emociones y sensaciones negativas que pasaste, eso me hizo desistir de hacerlo, no porque la historia no fue a continuar, sino porque estoy en un punto de mi vida en que no puedo exponerme mas a esas emociones, supongo que entiendes a que me refiero.
de una persona que pasa por lo terrible que es el monstruo de la depresión a otra déjame felicitarte, en serio me alegra que ayas podido sobrellevar tu depresión y ansiedad, y saber tu historia me da esperanzas de que yo también pueda hacerlo, en serio gracias.
cuídate y te deseo lo mejor.
gh chapter 30 . 4/25
Thanks for writing this!
kaliela chapter 30 . 6/12/2019
I'm sad that this won't be continued. I have really enjoyed reading your story.
colormeconfused chapter 30 . 4/28/2019
I enjoyed the part of this story I got to experience and think you are very strong to have written it and strong to have lived through the life that you have. I wish you the very best and thanx for writing.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/18/2018
This is amazing so far. Tearing up in both sadness and happiness in turns. First story I’ve read where Hiruzen takes her in... there probably others but I’ve not read tons for this fandom. You’ve got a gift for sure.
Mandy Chase chapter 30 . 9/30/2018
Hi. I'm not sure if you'll ever read this, but I felt like i had to take a few minutes to express how much I've come to love this story. I read it all in a few hours, but I fell in love with the characters, their interactions and at how mature and clever your writing style is. I love the original characters and the way you seem to be so good at portraiting the canon characters as well; they never seem out of character to me, and the development of Naruto's and Sasuke's friendship was really well writen (specially with his hunt for her past). The way you made canon events (such as the Uchiha Massacre and Sakura and Ino being fangirls) fit into the story was amazing and I barely blinked while reading. I'm sad that you won't be writing for this anymore; I have to say, I am really curious about Naruto meeting Kakashi and for a lot of other things, but in any case, I'm glad I got to read this. I wish you luck in the future and I'll be looking for more of your work on AO3! Thank you for writing The Right to Live.
Guest chapter 30 . 8/16/2018
Hola, la verdad no si si usted llegué a leer esto, en especial porque está en español.
Solo quería decir que su historia realmente me encanto, me fascinó y todos lo sinónimos que puedan haber. Realmente ha sido la única historia femNaru que pude llegar a amar completamente y mantenerme atrapada durante un par de dias hasta llegar al Punto del último capítulo escrito y hacerme desear mas, pero como ya muchas personas incluyéndome saben no seguirá por las circunstancias ya mencionadas anteriormente por usted, así qué me quede todo un día pensando si escribir esto o no y aquí estoy.
Bueno, gracias por escribir una historia maravillosa.
Le deseo buena suerte en la vida.
Con cariño, una chica pelirroja sin sentido.
Lady-Miraculous101 chapter 10 . 7/18/2018
Tbh I haven't gotten the hang of being a real person and I'm eighteen so good on you Naru Chan.
cassiejones07 chapter 1 . 6/26/2018
I'm sorry You had to go through that . I hope you found peace in whatever you do now. Live long and prosper!
Ireland Scott of BROH chapter 30 . 4/14/2018
Awwww! I’m sorry,and I understand why you aren’t finishing it, even though its a shame to stop your beautiful works. Good luck in life!
notsofrilly chapter 2 . 3/19/2018
This is utterly heartbreaking
DarkBlight chapter 1 . 3/18/2018
It's sad to see another author go. You were one of the very first authors I read ever since center I discovered this story and site in 2009. That was even before I made this account. So goodbye I guess. I don't know what personal and recent events have triggered you into doing this but I can respect that. It's just shocking that it's this year that made you crack when you have been here for years and I was expecting you've already built tolerance to these types of things. You could've continued writing since this is your passion right? Screw those haters who are jealous of your talent. I'll see you in Ao3 but as a member there, the traffic is almost non-existent on some fandoms that you'll also have a hard time getting praises and criticisms properly. Why don't you also try posting in spacebattles? Anyway, I don't know if you'll ever read this but I'll say good day to you anyway and well wishes to your future endeavors on the other site.
Rawrking chapter 30 . 3/17/2018
Many cocksukkers tryna blow author itt. Srry folks but succing peen ain't gonna bring dese trash fics back.
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