Reviews for Truth Equals Happiness
Reader chapter 1 . 8/6/2011
This was quite depressing. I did notice the similarities of Romeo and Juliet towards the end, but I felt in this case that scenario makes it seem less realistic making it less personable. Other than that, it was a good read.
DraconianKnight chapter 1 . 6/23/2010
So sad! I cried! Why? Who would do such a thing? Life always gets better no matter how it may seem at one point.
Evil Jenyus chapter 1 . 6/16/2010
I liked the Romeo and Juliet theme you have here, despite how utterly and epically SAD this is. Makes me cry, but I guess that's the point. I just have one lil bit of concrit: when you're stabbed in the stomach, it takes hours to bleed out and die. It's painful and takes like, 4 hours or so. Stabbing in the heart, however, takes about 90 seconds tops to kill might wanna change that, tis a bit more romantic than him lying there bleeding everywhere in horrendeous pain for hours. Just a thought. Good job though on all the rest :)


the Evil Jenyus
ClosetedDork chapter 1 . 11/14/2009
I'm speechless. That was just...just...omg! that was so sad. im so glad they ended up together in the end, but it was so sad.

"So Ryan decided, there was no point to living."

That's when I started to tear up. Then the tears started to fall more and more after that.

I just wonder what everyone things. Do they figure out why they both killed themselves? It makes me tear up thinking about what the everyone who beat poor Ryan up feels.

Wonderful story!
Kathy Martinez chapter 1 . 3/3/2009
I thought thatw as so sad. Bubt that is os practical. i have to admit i did cry but. i still hink the concept was way off
lorza chapter 1 . 2/20/2009
I'm not crying..*sniff* I swere i'm not!
bombshellblonde318 chapter 1 . 2/20/2009
This was heartberaking, gut renching, and absolutly beautiful. Fantastic job