Reviews for Angels of the Apocalypse
Midnight Lost chapter 16 . 8/7
Honestly, when I saw this story, I was expecting a full on Alien vs Predator setting in which Naruto and company would get caught in the middle of the hunt.

However, I am pleased to see that this went into a completely different direction, and the concept of Naruto stumbling across Predator technology, while at the same time turning the Xenomorphs into summons was great.

Though I wish I got to see more of Tenten using her 'Angels' and having stronger desires to go on 'hunts'.

Sadly, it's been years since you've been active, so hard to say if this story has been abandoned or not. Hopefully it hasn't and you'll be back sometime soon to finish it.
Deathtoll1000 chapter 10 . 4/4
shinob don't use katana there impractical. a short sword. on the other hand is easy to hide and more practical for use in small spaces like buildings and allys
narutouzumaki9718 chapter 16 . 3/30
Guest chapter 16 . 12/10/2019
This is a good story and I hope it continues, but it could use a few improvements. As for the Xenomorphs you use, it's actually pretty open for you to be as original as you want since technically anything NOT Ronald Shusett or Dan O'Bannon (the original creators) or Ridley Scott (original director) is considered non-canon, meaning you can make any adjustments you want. Also, per your previous author's note about the 'toy line', those Xenos were actually part of the Aliens film (the sequel), but were not named, there were larger Xenos (the Gorilla Xenos) which I believe was the one who tried to rip open the door to the combat vehicle and had it's head blown off resulting in one of the Space Marines being burned, and the leaner and faster aliens (the Scorpion), it was just the toy-line that gave them names, but their concepts were present in the film.

I think the harem should have been changed, I can see Hinata and Sakura being with Naruto no matter what, even if he plotted revenge on Konoha but not Ino or Tenten, they did not have that much interaction with Naruto canon-wise. I personally think others like Anko and Fu would have been more appropriate, Anko not only would probably find the ruthlessness of the Xenos 'Adorable' in her eyes but even though the Xenos are considered 'insect-like' or rather 'ant-like', many races including the Predators referred to them as 'serpents' due to their sleek and long bodies, and Anko is a snake summoner. (there were other races in the comics that referred to the Xenos as snake-like as some of their planets did not have insects). Fu also because she is the jinchuriki of Chomei, the horned beetle, I think the Queen herself would find an interest in Fu, also originally Fu was depicted as hating humans due to how they treated her, so she would not have any moral qualms about how the Hive functions (happy, cheerful Fu is not considered canon as that is not how she was depicted in the Manga, she was only friendly towards her tenant and fellow jinchuriki, and according to the Akatsuki, she HATED her village, only the Anime depicts her as friendly and that is a non-canon filler arc, which is also non-canon because it depicts the Zombie Brother's intercepting her on her return from the Chunnin Exams while the manga stated they attacked Taki to get to her).

I also think you could work on your depiction of Naruto, he seems a bit bipolar, I'm not against a two-sided Naruto (ruthless towards his enemies and friendly towards his friends as this is how Kakashi and Minato are), but going from happy to brooding is a bit weird, difference between going happy to pissed off, that's EMOTIONAL changes, but going from broody to cheerful is a complete personality change and that''s sociopath behavior. I also prefer if he referred to the Xenos as Xenos, not Angels, despite knowing that is the title of a series of the AvP comics, but it sounds so childish and immature, especially when this website is LITTERED with fics where Naruto refers to his lovers as 'Angels' or 'Tenshis' (as well as 'Himes' or 'Princesses'), very few men refer to those they are close to with such cheesy trashy romance novel nicknames, it's one thing to occasionally tell your lover she's an 'angel' because she did something nice, it's another to use it as a pet-name, sounds like a desperate virgin or white knight talking, and referring to a Xeno like that sounds ALL sorts of wrong!
Monster King chapter 16 . 7/31/2019
Great job please continue
SephirothTrueHeartlessAngel chapter 16 . 7/29/2019
next chapter please
SPark681 chapter 16 . 2/24/2019
Hmm, nice story so far hope an update will come soon anyways keep up the great work!
Borello chapter 16 . 12/9/2018
damnit. the story is great and i want read more chapter.
TheGameMaster chapter 2 . 11/19/2018
But tsunade is otp
Guest chapter 3 . 10/21/2018
Your story is absolute shit
sonic chapter 16 . 8/17/2018
I liked the chapter!
Spidey2 chapter 16 . 5/5/2018
Love this! Keep going!
WolfofTheWest777 chapter 16 . 4/9/2018
Update damm you
Guest chapter 16 . 3/4/2018
What council of iwa? THEY ARE DEAD remember? Also "let's see how you handle my army?"... He already DID THAT TOO, remember? Just a like 3 chapters ago, when konoha was supposedly "outnumbered" AGAIN, "4-to-1"?.. I mean SERIOUSLY I am beginning to doubt there are even this MANY ninja IN TOTAL! ("get a specimen dead or alive"? what PART of kabuto's explanation wasn't he listening too? That's OUT OF THE realm of EVER happening, MOVE ON)... Also if orochimaru wants to STILL hit konoha then wouldn't it be smart NOT to make a NEW enemy out of naruto? In other words, LEAVE HIM ALONE? Not to mention, he can't really AFFORD any NEW enemies since he's only doing as well as he is, because konoha doesn't have the allies it DID.. But NARUTO himself DOES have the allies, so why push them all TOWARD a COMMON enemy? aka SQUASHING the snake. Doesn't seem cold or calculating, or even egotistical, it seems very much like a "PLEASE KILL ME ALREADY!" request, like total full on DEATH-WISH. Just doesn't seem to fit. Orochimaru (at least in the series) NEVER gets into a fight HE can't ether win(by GROSSLY overpowering his enemy, or GROSSLY outnumbering them) OR can't at LEAST run from. EVER.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/3/2018
You realize that if the journal said NO AID had gotten there in SEVENTEEN days after the defenses had shattered, and WAVE thus whirlpool is within a WEEK'S walk at a CIVILIAN'S pace, from konoha then konoha LET it's "allies" perish! It didn't even TRY! Seems KINDA dumb for it to be like that AND THEN make everyone remember them by putting the symbol on ALL chunin and jounin doesn't it? Questions like THIS one, WOULD be asked and repeated and NO VILLAGE would EVER trust them as "allies" again! One thing did bother me earlier though, Naruto knows how to TELEPORT how did danzo get away? Why not just "warp" to him and not even "play" with his nins?... In general if you get a "teleporter" on your tail, either your DEAD, or he/she's GONNA get you, OR fake your death!
And try never ever/ever get on their radar again (the last one only works ONCE).

The armor stopping everything gets pretty boring? You mean it's NOT pretty boring to constantly read that every attack "just barely missed" and/or "target x just barely dodged"? After about the 20th opponent, that's got to even be dull to WRITE! You have to wonder if the only point to taijutsu is just to launch a POINT-BLANK jutsu, that the target cannot by ANY PHYSICS "DODGE"!
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