Reviews for Talk to Me
NicoleBL chapter 1 . 11/15/2013
Oh my :')! I don't know what to say to express how I REALLY loved this story! I loved every single thing you wrote in there! how you make every one in character, the dreams yamamoto had and how they got along int the end, how tsuna is heedful and caring about them (and loved the lovely hug he give to gokudera *hearts* I love tsuna! ), how you added chrom and hibari in wise and wonderful way... omg every thing is wonderful! and the most thing I loved is the line reborn said, "bonds like these make a family stronger" because in many stories I read, they make the relationship would be obstacle or whatever for the family! and I think it's otherwise! it really is like you mentioned, bond like these make the family stronger :D!.. thank you so much *hearts*
incurableinsanity chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
I love this. The characterization is nicely done. Nice work :)
tsuna chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
yo dude im patricia
Imbrii chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
I love the idea of this, and Gokudera's characterization. Your prose wasn't always to my tastes and the characters weren't always quite where I see them, (though you did pull of sad Yamamoto believably,) but nothing major. I really liked this! Thank you for posting.
Paradoxismminant chapter 1 . 6/20/2010

And, er...I forgot to tell you this on the review of the third installment of this, but I think you meant "homey" and not "homely", because homely is a fancy word for ugly...
AccountHasBeenDeletedd chapter 1 . 6/9/2010
love~~ aawww this was adorable... I loved it. Brilliant writing! I look forward to more works from you! :)
AlcoholicTree chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
my gosh. this is beyond awesome. the last part was so epic! thanks so much for writing totally made my day ;D
DreamingFoxes chapter 1 . 11/3/2009
I swear. Like honestly, this is a really well written and sweet story of these two. 8059 forever.3
Anpan Roller chapter 1 . 10/16/2009


That was awesome to the EXTREME!

I wonder why I have seen your fic on others' fav so many times but didnt read it at all. But now I'm EXTREMELY glad I have.

I love your details, your description that makes everything so realistic and GODLY, (esp Gokudera), and the occasional humour in there. God that was awesome max.

Thank you for writing this, and making me 1 hour behind schedule in my revision. (: (But it was worth it!)
anon azure chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
W-O-W... *drool*


Lepori chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
This is probably the second longest one-shot I've ever read, but I liked it a lot.

That puppet thing with Gokudera scared me a bit though...but I like how you portrayed that.

Erm...Ryohei loving Gokudera disturbed me...I'm not gonna lie. Ha, ' Ryohei is one of the few characters who...well...I just can't see him being gay. xD He's one of the few characters who I like to think is straight, aside from Tsuna and a few others. Maybe because Ryohei isn't as bishounen as Gokudera and Yamamoto? I don't know. I think I'm blabbing now. XD

Chrome is so cute. I liked that you put her in here. Bianchi too. Oh, we can't forget Hibari and his cute feathery critter now can we?

But I really liked this story. It was...well...yes...they were OOC but it was good. I'm not used to angsty stories, but I'm glad it ended happily. Ha. That sex scene at the end...YOU SHOULD HAVE INCLUDED MORE. Lol I kid. xD No not really x/x (Curse me an my perverted way of thinking!)

Yeah. Great one-shot. I really liked it. So, good job! db


Sorry. I just felt like shouting it because it's true and becoming a sinful addiction. xAx

I can't help it if YamaGoku is simply AMAZING!

P.S.S. Sorry for the long review. c:
REDskies chapter 1 . 6/9/2009
I honestly don't really know how to review this, but would 'it was really good' be enough?
Nezrin chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
This is one of the best 8059 fics I've ever read! I'm honestly not a fan of long one-shots, but this is fantastic! So emotional, so angsty. I cried for Yamamoto, honestly.

It was intense and dramatic, and I honestly thought for a moment that it wouldn't work out.

Good job! I hope you'll keep writing. :)
broken-Angel-requiem-Soul chapter 1 . 4/29/2009
This story is amazing! I absoultly love it, despite its long length. The dreams that Yamamoto had and how they related with Gokudera, I'm at a loss of words. Fav.
Makayla chapter 1 . 4/25/2009
I loved the ups and downs of their relationship well mostly downs but still...) it's so realistic- both of them resisting right to the end XD
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