Reviews for Obligations of the Afterlife
endel chapter 15 . 1/6/2010
So beautiful!Thank you!Amazing story with a perfect ending! I love it! _ Happy New Year!
blackwingsgreeneyes chapter 15 . 1/5/2010
aw this was so cute! X3 i loved reading this fic and you should totally write an epiloque and a lime! X3 well anything you write would be awesome! _
Bloody Rainbow chapter 15 . 1/4/2010
Ah! *fangirl squeal* It. Was. So. CUTE! I actually started reading this yesterday [go figure, I started it the day you finished it] XD I really liked this, probably more than I should. Anyway, I'd love an epilogue or a lime or whatever you're willing to throw out there! _
The Deuteragonist chapter 15 . 1/4/2010
Yay for a happy ending!


Dancing Roses and Sunny Rain chapter 15 . 1/4/2010
I love this story! I hope you write the epilogue :)
Itaweasel-hime chapter 15 . 1/3/2010
AWW, Ita-kun got his wings... :D

I really liked this story, even though I'm not huge on sasunaru. It was cute!
geetac chapter 15 . 1/3/2010
I enjoyed reading the chapter and the story was great!
Rei-06 chapter 15 . 1/3/2010
Great Story! The plot for this story was great and I had never read anything quite like this before. You have amazing writing skills and I think you did an incredible job writing this. I hope the best for all your future stories! (:

Mist on the Glass chapter 15 . 1/3/2010

OotA is finished!


I totally LOVED this ending. :)

Happy endings are so great.

Too bad I can't really write them properly. :(

Lol, if it was me writing this fic, it would have been SO depressing.

I'm glad you ended it in the way you did, you left a few things open, but you cleared up the burning questions that I had, so the things that you left unanswered gave me the oppurtunity to interpret them in the way I wanted, which is great.

Although Itachi's 'double' was pretty ambiguous, I imagined it as Fugaku. Not because he is God-like in any way, but because in Sasuke's life, he was the one that he was always trying to impress, and the one that he resepcted most. Religious people respect their God more than anyone/thing else in the world, so maybe that's where my reasoning came from.

Some would counter that it was Itachi that had the encounter with God/Fugaku at the end of the story, and not Sasuke, but it was God/Fugaku that granted Sasuke life again. God/Fugaku wouldn't have even been at the end of the fic if it weren't for him granting Sasuke life again. So yeah. That's my slightly disjointed reasoning.


All in all, the conclusion to this fic was loved, and I'm glad you didn't ask me to beta it, as it would have given away the surprise! :)

Reply to my email! XD


endel chapter 14 . 9/25/2009
So sweet!It's getting very interesting!Can't wait for the next chapter!_
Afira chapter 14 . 9/24/2009
omge! I love this fic! it's so original and well made!


I can't wait for the next chappie!

MadaSasu chapter 14 . 9/24/2009
Mist on the Glass chapter 14 . 9/24/2009

You updated! (Y)

:O Le gasp, you're totally right about fanfiction spazzing up your writing.

It added in loads of things like : 'And thenhe said'

Like without the space - and there was DEFINITELY none of those when I checked it all through. :P

(I don't suck as a beta! Please don't kill me! :) )

Anyway, I know I've already read this chapter, but what the hey. A review's a review. XD

I love this story. :P

The plotline's awesome.

And not an OOC character in sight. :)

*thumbs up*


PS. reply to my email! XD

I'm craving communication!
KatrinaEagle chapter 14 . 9/24/2009
Gasp! And then and then and then? Sasuke wot be able to see Naruto until he dies? Noes~

This is not the end, right?
The Deuteragonist chapter 14 . 9/23/2009
Thank you so much for coming back to this story!

And that was quite a twist at the end. Please update soon!
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