Reviews for Blank Canvas
forever4 chapter 10 . 5/14/2015
I do love the action in this chapter- it has MY adrenaline pumping, not just Andromeda's. Oh, love the kiss at the end too! :)
So the two sisters are now firmly set on opposite paths...
forever4 chapter 5 . 2/16/2014
I'm now reading your story in the place of sleeping and eating. Just awful. And as a result, this review really might not make much sense given how tired I am staying up late reading this; however, I very much wanted to at least say something about the continued quality writing displayed in the past few chapters. Good stuff. In your author's note, you asked for a beta, and I know it was ages ago but I didn't think it would hurt to mention I'd love to do it if you need one- I feel like your writing itself is amazing so I wouldn't be able to help much in terms of critique but I WOULD be able to help with grammar, which had always been my forte. Just PM me if you're still searching.
forever4 chapter 1 . 2/16/2014
Your writing is absolutely beautiful and takes my breath away, truly. Please don't think I say that to everyone. While I do aim to be nice and encouraging to most people, what I've read so far from you inspires me to give you praise that I really have never given before and I can't find the words for. Just know that I've been browsing awhile now, looking for a good story to settle into, and this one is magical. Thank you so much for working on it. I'm off to read the companion piece you suggested. Oh yeah, a minor suggestion: in the first chapter, about halfway, you wrote that Ann is perceived as a "lackluster bookworm". I had to read that twice to get what you meant. It sounds like she's a bookworm that doesn't care about books, not what you mean: she's a bookworm who doesn't care about life. Like, "uninterested food critic"- is that someone who's not interested in being a food critic or a food critic who's not interested in other things? Maybe try "shy bookworm"? Anyway, that's a very minor nitpick, and the only thing I found to say about the entire first chapter, which is amazing!
unique.normality chapter 11 . 12/31/2013
This is really good and I wish it wasn't abandoned...
Guest chapter 11 . 7/8/2013
Have you officially quit this?
Guest chapter 11 . 4/12/2013
Loving this.
Twinny chapter 11 . 12/4/2012
loving it, wish you're fine... xx
fleetingfish chapter 11 . 11/7/2012
This story is absolutely amazing, the writing is powerful and the plot is well developed. Andromeda is characterized so realistically and her romance with ted is very well planned. your doing a fantastic job writing this. I myself am not very good at reviewing, but I am very anxious for this story to be continued whenever that may be.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/17/2012
I love this story so much, your literary references make me happy. You are a wonderful writer and I hope you someday decide to update this fic, it is brilliant.
vnjdksalbvhdal chapter 11 . 10/11/2011

it's by far the best ted/andromeda fanfic i've ever read

it was just so ridiculously awesome!

Nicsherm chapter 11 . 9/10/2011
I love your literary references. Can't wait fir the next chapter.
Nicsherm chapter 1 . 9/10/2011
I'm really liking this story. I always pictured Ted a Hufflepuff though. But anyway keep up the good work! :)
fleetingfish chapter 7 . 8/15/2011
I think this has to be my favorite chapter. Because you get to see Andromeda interact with another outsider like herself, one who hides behind a mask. I Like the additude that Niall has, how Royce Smith winks at her... I think of your chapters this is the most humorous of them, not that this chapter is laughing at a clown kind of funny. but it by far was the one that entertained me most. Although It seems like Andromeda should have had a bit of a suspision that ted was jelious, although it doesnt change the story that much.
fleetingfish chapter 6 . 8/15/2011
Another well done chapter although this one still isn't my favorite. I enjoy Andromeda is starting to break away from her family, and that her realationship with ted is growing.
fleetingfish chapter 5 . 8/15/2011
I love the realationship between Bellatrix and Andromeda. The way the two interact where Anromeda wants to ignore her sisters acts, and Bellatrix wants Andromeda to be part of them. Its really facinating. I enjoy the fact that you put Voldemorts Rise to power in here, because though we see bits of it in book Six, The way your telling his rise to power is thrilling as at first he doesnt seem as horrid as he is. In this point in time does this take place after Tom riddle has requested Dumbledor for the DADA position?
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