Reviews for Sonny with a Chance of Showers
Hermiones Quill 94 chapter 9 . 4/13/2012
awwwwwwwww... i think i'm addicted to your stories! 3
FreakierThanFreaks chapter 9 . 10/10/2010
This is one of the best stories ever!
TomatinaLover chapter 9 . 9/29/2010
UltimatelyDelightful chapter 9 . 5/21/2010
i really liked ur story nce job!
reallyJavannah chapter 9 . 5/15/2010
awwww so cute :)
StJohnSurfer chapter 9 . 4/14/2010
Aww that was so sweet! I really loved that story! I can't believe they kissed at midnight, how cute! They are so sweet together and so funny too! I love them! Aww that ending had me smiling crazily! I love you, you are such an awesome writer! I loved this story, and I love Chad and Sonny! So far, so great! :D
StJohnSurfer chapter 8 . 4/14/2010
Aww that was such a good chapter! Go Sonny for standing up for herself and go Amber for ditching Blake and throwing chocolate mousse at him! I loved how Chad acted all cocky to make Sonny feel better that was realy cute and made me laugh!

YAY! Sonny wishes someday Chad will think of her as more than a friend and Chad wishes Sonny will someday think of him as more than a friend! I think someone's in love! So sweet! Can't wait to read on, you are an awesome writer and i love this story so far. So far, so great! :P
StJohnSurfer chapter 7 . 4/14/2010
Aww that was so sweet I can't believe Chad asked Sonny to the dance that is so sweet! Yay i can't wait till Sonny walks into the dance Blake is gonna be so jelous! I thought the whole pizza thing was really sweet and funny and i loved it when Chad got all nervous and was complimenting Sonny it was so cute! Yeah i agree with scifichick07 you are really good at keeping all the characters in character but actually do your own original stories because i hate it when people completely change the characters and just do a common story! You are an amazing writer and i am loving this story! :D
StJohnSurfer chapter 6 . 4/14/2010
Aww poor sonny! That guy is such a jerk! Go Tawni for sticking up for sonny, oh and throwing punch at the jerk that was quite cool aswell! YAY! Chad is so angry that means he likes her, he really likes her! I sort of wanted him to punch Blake but im glad he didn't, otherwise he would have to act differently and i like the way he acts now it's funny! You are an awesome writer and I am loving this story so far! :D
StJohnSurfer chapter 5 . 4/14/2010
Yep definately a jerk! I bet sonny is feeling really bad now because she had a go at Chad for lying but he was actually telling the truth! Oh and the small fact that this jerk just called her and said she wasn't pretty enough for him that might be another reason to be feeling bad! :P Not the best day of her life! I can't wait to read on, this is really well written, you are an awesome writer and you really make me want to read on, so i will! I am loving the story so far! :D
StJohnSurfer chapter 4 . 4/14/2010
Aww poor Chad i mean i get it that he hasn't been the kindest person to Sonny but it was all an act and he is telling the truth why doesn't she believe him even a little bit! I can't wait to read on and find out what happens! I think you are an amazing writer and i am loving the story so far! :D
StJohnSurfer chapter 3 . 4/14/2010
YAY! Another great chapter! That was really nice of Tawni helping Sonny get ready, she can be really sweet sometimes! Blake is officially a jerk! :P I can't believe he only asked sonny out as a back up! YaY! Chad is getting angry that blake is being such a jerk to sonny that means he likes her! YAY! :P Really well written i am loving this story! :D
StJohnSurfer chapter 2 . 4/14/2010
Dum Dum DUUM! Really loved that chapter! Yay! Sonny's upset chad doesn't care and chad is jealous of blake! hehe i love those two! They are so funny, and i love how they act towards each other! This blake guy seems like a jerk, i'm going to read on now! You are an awesome writer, i am loving this story so thanks! :P

It says to put in tips for improvement and i don't really have any other than, please in a later story as this one is already complete, put in the thing where chad and sonny go good, good, fine fine! I love that thing!
StJohnSurfer chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
Hey I decided to start reading your fanfics after seeing that you were one of my favourite author's favourite authors! (wow that is confusing!) Anyway so i came to read some of your stories because she hasn't updated in a while and i really needed to read something and thought if she enjoyed your stories i probably would too and i do! I really loved this chapter, I love sonny with a chance and I love how sonny and chad act around each other they are so funny! Anyway well i love this chapter and think the storyline sounds really good! You are an amazing writer and I can't wait to read on! :D
pikaluver1229 chapter 9 . 4/6/2010
this is my favorite chapter of this whole story
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