Reviews for Smile, Darling
porcelian-doll chapter 1 . 2/8/2010

ok, can i just say you are a super talented writer? and yes. i'm reading all your old fics. because they're awesome.

and it dissapoints me that they don't have more reviews, because they totally deserve them. and yeah, i really love this one. i like how you made the whole thing rather short because i can't stand long fics :) haha. but yeah. and i really really like the whole format of it, if that makes sense. it's easier to read, in my opinion and i like it because it's prettier :) haha. you totally inspired me.

by the way i love this. did i mention that?

and forgive me if this is rambling nonsense. it is. i can't help it though, 'cause you're just that good.

Bonnie chapter 1 . 3/13/2009
I really loved this. I love how you show that she does love somethings but how the smiling hurts because it's all fake. And I lovelovelove the end line, it was jus t, like seriousl !

Also thank you for the comment! You are way too sweet!