Reviews for SONS
insubordinationfreak chapter 43 . 5/30/2012
Thought I'd read this over a day or three, but read it in one hit so deeply I was sucked in. Your words are so easy and interesting to read. The scenes with Declan were particularly (visually) outstanding, and I found myself very glad with the ending of the story. It seemed right somehow. I think many people find it hard to right Alex well, but you get her. Her strength.
C.I.TigerFan chapter 43 . 11/17/2009
Great story. You were right, it was a long dark ride but very well worth it. Can't wait for your next story!
C.I.TigerFan chapter 16 . 11/16/2009
You are such a talented writer, I would have enjoyed this past season much more had someone like you, who seems to know and care about the characters, been writing the episodes!
C.I.TigerFan chapter 13 . 11/16/2009
WE needed Bobby's perspective. You never know exactly what that manis thinking!
C.I.TigerFan chapter 9 . 11/16/2009
I've just started reading your story. I needed a break after this chapter. I always enjoy your work. Well, "enjoy" is not the word I would use for this chapter but it was very well written and I look forward to the rest.
hippysheep chapter 43 . 11/8/2009
Hi, I LOVE SONS!o my gosh...beautiful..the angst, the heartbreak...big sigh! thank you for the great story. It just breaks my heart about Bobby big time but i appreciate that alex is always there. Thank you again.
Hope06 chapter 43 . 11/7/2009
WOW sucha powerful ending

Thank you for an amazign story
Frost Deejn chapter 43 . 11/6/2009
Excellent story, Patcat. Congratulations on finishing it.
rindy713 chapter 43 . 11/6/2009
outstanding! i feel good about where you had them end up. i was trying to figure out how he could possibly get beack to being a cop like before, but this is a good alternative. i especially like the idea of him working with deakins. and being with alex, of course!
rindy713 chapter 42 . 11/6/2009
wonderful! all things considered, i'm proud that bobby stayed away from the drugs despite the explosive pressure that was building up in him. and alex was great with her trust, letting him come to her instead of tracking him down.
Flamipoo chapter 43 . 11/5/2009
The End? I can not believe it is the end. I have truly enjoyed this fic. It has been on story alert, coming to my Blackberry. This is a very intense and touching story. This is one of my favorite. I have not found a story of yours that I have not liked. I look forward to your next story. Do you plan a folow up?
GRandElusYon chapter 43 . 11/5/2009
awesome conclusion to an awesome story! Bravo bravo! is there any possibility for a sequel? We could see what happens to bobby and alex after bobby leaves the squad, and what he ends up doing. just a small thought.
ComptonLover chapter 43 . 11/5/2009
Thank you for this beautiful, wonderful, heart-wrenching roller coaster of a story! You deserve a nice relaxing break before you thrill us with the first chapter of another fic. Not too long of a break.
Gypsy5 chapter 43 . 11/5/2009
What a brilliant ending, really enjoyed following this story.

Looking forward to many more.
SaltDaddyPearl chapter 43 . 11/5/2009
Aw. What a perfect ending! :] I can't wait to read what else you post next!
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