Reviews for Silenced, Awakened, Betrayed and Enslaved
yakarishcool chapter 5 . 4/17/2012
This was very well done. I loved the way you portrayed bakura's character, and his internal fight against his yami. It gave a nice, different perspective, and gave ryou more of a backbone, not just a wimp as he is often portrayed. Overall very well done
Unique Art chapter 5 . 6/7/2009
I liked it a lot, especially the beginning! The thoughts were IC and very believeable. I love that Ryou (Bakura) had a backbone, and wasn't described as weak. His yami had no idea what he was capable of. You put that down in words perfectly.

Amazing chapter!
millenniumthief chapter 5 . 6/6/2009
Wow, I liked the dialog part between those two a lot! I love how Bakura is finally deciding to stand in the only way he possibly can, and how he did help defeat Yami Bakura and save Yugi and the gang. It's one of my favorite episodes too! I think you pulled it off very well!

I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly lately, and I hope writing this helped you out quite a lot. It's always a good outlet. You're welcome for any help I've possibly offered, and thanks for the kind words you always send my way, too.

(Sighs over-dramatically) Apologizing again? What are we going to do with you? (Winks) It's OK! You get busy, it happens! Especially with that much work backed up! You wrote a wonderful chapter, so I'm certainly not complaining (and wouldn't anyway, but you get the point...)! I'm just looking forward to more, whenever you get the chance!
Rehema chapter 5 . 6/6/2009
(Hugs Bakura Ryou tightly) You're all right! Yes! I-

(Lets go) Never mind.

(Sighs in relief) Thank heavens. And nice work.

(Turns to Melody) That goes for you too! GREAT! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

Or as normal people say, "Hooray!"
Rehema chapter 4 . 6/6/2009
(Quietly) I see.

He suffers for everyone, unknown by everyone. Ah, the pain, the irony of the situation.

But we know.

(Emmy, Melody, Art, and anyone who steps into "A Change of Heart" surrounds Ryou protectively)

(Finally, V comes back in and takes her place in circle... if I have a place there.)

(Whispers gently) "With much love from ALL of us, Ryou."

(Everyone hugs him warmly)
meshalok chapter 5 . 6/6/2009
Asiera chapter 1 . 4/25/2009
That was pretty good. And it was angsty, but it fit. An interesting thing is, you can almost say that first part was about Yami Bakura or Bakura Ryou.

Also, the second part could almost fit the Thief King if you say it's Zorc inhabiting his soul.

Ver, very cool stuff. You're pretty good at writing poetry.

andrew coad chapter 4 . 4/21/2009
wow, nice poem. truely, the way others treat "him" the way they treat him, and yet he says nothing. must be complete sadness. depression, agony. and the way he takes it in stride. simply awe inspiring. 5/5 keep em coming
millenniumthief chapter 4 . 4/21/2009
(Looks on in awe, shaking slightly) true. I love how you capture him perfectly every single time! He's the hero in the shadows, completely overlooked but trying so hard to save everyone...

Jeez, and with the exception of trying to save everyone, it hits home how close this is to who I used to be...I think most people can relate in some way.

Extra, extra props on such a powerful and emotional chapter! You're so good at getting Bakura's every last thought down. Great job!

And thank you so much for what you said about me! I'm always happy to help if you want it!
Unique Art chapter 3 . 3/14/2009
Love it! The one-shot adds a lot. This one was great. I liked the characterization; it's nice. Very strong and opposing. The mood was cool!

In my humble opinion, this was the best so far. Keep them coming!

Excellent job, Melody.
millenniumthief chapter 3 . 3/13/2009
Aw, crap. (Brushes away tears again) You've gotten far too good at making me cry with this story!

Low blow, bringing up the memory of his nickname and dead mother and sister...And then using the fact that he can get into Bakura's mind and control him no matter what against him.

Oh gosh, and the end is what got me. Bakura's desperate speech and apology for those sent to the shadows...and that he hates himself. I'm glad you put that in there, because it fits so well.

Excellent chapter, and as long as you've got time and inspiration, I'd love to see what comes next! See you then!
Unique Art chapter 2 . 3/8/2009
This is awesome, Melody! Very beautiful in a sadistic way. Passionate and truthful...amazing! I loved this one a lot.
Niilan chapter 2 . 3/8/2009
Another good chapter. Ryou is most vulnerable when it comes to his love and affection for others, and his yearning for it in return. I like how you have Bakura and Ryou speak the admission at the same time. I look forward to the next chapter.
Niilan chapter 1 . 3/8/2009
Well written. This hits at the heart of Ryou's relationship and thoughts abour Bakura and Yuugi-tachi. Good job~
rowan5255 chapter 2 . 3/8/2009
coolio. all the way you pawn all. Nice poems n.n
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