Reviews for ShadowFox0324's WarCommandRoom WarCoRm
Anon chapter 4 . 5/31/2011
Telekenetic Mind Freak chapter 4 . 10/31/2009
(this is FF I changeaded mah penname) Calls meh Joe, and I'm not anthro anymore, now I'm human! :D (you'll find my description on my profile) ok now for teh review/questions.

*stands up* hey! *notices everyone staring at his crotch* what? *looks down and notices the huge bulge in his pants* oops! heh heh... musta been thinkin' about Krystal... oh shit did I just say that out loud? heh heh

*Fox glares* uh anyways...

To Krystal: must you always wear sexy clothes? (not that I have a problem with it...)

To Fox: if 2 is equal to 2 then what is -2 equal to? *stupid grin*

To Falco: I had sex with yo girlfriend! watcha gonna do 'bout it? bitch!

To Knight:*takes out his sword (NO NOT THAT YOU PERVERTS)* fight meh! TOSHIRO SUDIYUKI! *swings his sword at Knight, a blade of pure energy is flung from the blade at Knight*

*continues questions while fighting* To Axel: ha ha! you iz caught in a love triangle!

To Krystal: you're hot!


To Katt: heh heh, you de-virginized Knight...

To Mysterious man sitting in the corner: who the hell are you? and what are you doing with MY pistol!

To Axel (from KH (KINGDOM HEARTS FTW!)): you're wierd... and gay... and wierd... and did I mention wierd?

To Falco: you wear make-up! you stupid little whore! you deserve to be raped! *throws a rapist clown at Falco*

To Marcus: *throws a pedo-bear at him* heh heh heh heh, you've been pedo-beared.

To Furiya: yous gots a crushez on Infected don't cha?

To ShadowFox and DuskFox: *chinese voice* ding ding ding! we have our winnas! you get's teh cookies today! an fie huned dollas each!


To IV: ... if you were 7 foot tall... you'd be the tallest person in teh room... but at 6 feet 2 inches I'm teh tallest one in teh room! (I think... correct me if I'm wrong)

To Zane: heh heh heh heh... your name rhymes with pain... which is what you'll be feelin' in about two seconds if you don't get outa mah way! anyways I'm outa room to writ
Elementer chapter 4 . 6/28/2009
Funny stuff man. I liked the Stewie part. Anyway, here's more questions.

To Axel: What is the best video game you've ever played.

Katt: Would you go on Flavor of Love with Flavor Flav?

Krystal: I heard you pulled a Paris Hilton with someone (Vemondark).

Knightfox: Why won't you shut the fuck up?

Knightfox: Really, why won't you shut the fuck up?

Falco: What type of name is Falco?

Leon: Me and your momma had a good time last night, got anything to say to your new daddy?

Wolf: Did you ever get owned by three little pigs that had houses?
Armageden999 chapter 4 . 5/22/2009
hey im new to this site but i read it a lot and i got some questions : to fox : wat would happen if i fused your dimesion with the halo dimesion . To axel : do you want a gravity hammer

To skye : your cool

to Knight fox : i got a present for you that might be funny for me lol

To all : be prepared for the "flood".

To knight fox :can i stay.
Samurai of Fate chapter 4 . 5/21/2009
To knight: Can I be on your show

To Falco: I don't like you (beats him with a club)

To everyone: Do you think i'm crazy

(A brown haired girl bust though the door)

to brown haired girl: Lucinda what are you doing here?


Ninja: It was just sitting there

Lucinda: (pulls out her sword) you shall die now

To knight: she is kinda my OC Princess Lucinda of the planet Grands

To everyone: I brought Sora, Kairi, Riku, Roxas, Namine, Hayner, Pence, and Olette all Kingom Hearts original characters

To slippy: (points at) Homo ... HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO HOMO (Pants and passes out)

Lucinda: I'll take him (drags ninja away)
Eye of Fire chapter 4 . 5/21/2009
IV: That was good man, real good. Now we should all go eat some pizza. _

Everyone: YA!

TO Skye: Well... this is I guess a personal question, but what makes you hate Bella so much? If you're both after the same person, why not give each other help and then let the better vixen win?

To Axel: Sorry about putting you on the spot like that with the whole 'dating Hazel thing'. Forgot to put the alternante dimension excuse.

To KnightFox: Purely video game stand point here, but who do you think would win in a fight: The guy from inFamous or the Prince from Prince of Persia?

To Wolf: Panther will betray you to Sunshade. Take the necesary precautions.

To Leon: Well, if you have a girlfriend, where is she? Let us see this so called girlfriend NOW!

IV: Well thanks to KnightFox, Cissnei's been holed up in the hospital for the last few days and I've had writers block on all my stories. *Pulls out the 44. Magnum from Dirty Harry* Anyone wanna play Russian Roulette or give me some ideas?

Hazel: He's been this way ever since that damn bat hit him in the head.

Bella: No, no, he's been like this since I can remember, so don't use that old cop out, Hazey.

Demise: That he has. I mean he made me into a human girl. Not that I mind, just give some warning before you do something so drastic.

IV: Sorry *Hangs head in sorrow* I'm just on edge about my grades and all. *Tears open a rift in the dimension.* If you guys need me, I'll be touching up on my Keyblade skills and watching Advent Children Complete. (Comes out on June 2nd if anyones interested.)

One last question though. Anyone can answer this and if you want to tell me what you said, just send me a PM:

If one has lived so long that they have stopped believing in their own worthiness, what should they do? Should they end their own lives or should they continue living their boring and empty existence till they die of normal circumstances?
VENOMDARK yup chapter 4 . 5/21/2009
hello again

to fox: huh cool name for a game


to everyone: ...i see dead people...and im looking at falco...

to infected: hm how many OC do u have?

to sonic: what the hell r u doing here!

to everyone: well im now the top-10 most wanted list huh guess making a bus go BOOM does that

to katt: how r u doing my sweet?

to everyone: (last time) well im off good luck killing those zombies everybody VENOM OUT
BigDragun987 chapter 4 . 5/20/2009
(Sneaks up behind wolf them smacks him in the back of the head then quickly runs back to where he was)

To Everyone: Wuzzup everyone. Glad to be out of that zombie crisis.

To KnightFox: Hey I brought more Popeyes you know you want some. Ha ha too late its all gone. Nah Just kiddin here's you own bucket full. Also yeah I have looked at Shattered Hopes it proves to be just as awesome I mean humans crazy.

To everyone: Welp it's finally starting to get hot so how about we celebrate with a bikini contest. What do ya say girls you know you wanna feel the glory of being crowned the hottest of all. I'd have the guys participate as well but we all already know who out of the guys would win. (Each and every guy at the same time say me then we break out into awesome keyblade and various weapons battle)

To Falco: I do believe I found something that you do MUCH better than Fox and it refers to women. If you watch these tapes you shall see what I mean. (Reveals two tapes everyone watched and congratulates Falco and them the men look shamefully at Fox). Well Fox what do you have to say for yourself.

Welp I believe I have caused enough craziness. Peace out.
starfoxluver chapter 4 . 5/20/2009
To everyone: So the heck!

To Fox: *hears slams in a distance* OH CRAP! HOW THE HECK DID THEY GET HERE! Alright...*takes out pencil n sketch pad* SHADOW SLASH! *violenty draws a line on sketchpad, everyone hears a dying Hunter* There! So where was I...oh so Fox how's everything besides the zombie invasion?

To everyone: Wanna know about my powers? Well I have the power to basically attack anyone and anthing using a sketchpad and pencil i think of the enemy's image and sketch a line or whatever on the sketchpad, its even possible to decapitate my enemies using my powers, so expect me out on the battlefield with u guys...oh plus i can also use it to heal and remove any bacteria inside ur body! So im useful!

To Krystal: Im really talking to much arent I?

To Wolf: You need some help over there?

To Panther: Once we're done here im guessing u and Miyu are gonna...have a "chat"? *wink wink*

To everyone: sry that'll be it 4 today! cya!
Shinu-chama chapter 3 . 5/20/2009
To everyone: *Sitting of Hive Mind* Have any of you heard of the USG Ishimura and the Collonies? Their my vacation spots!

To Fox: Why do people say that you are gay?

To everyone again: It seems that there will be no more Star fox games! I have done alot of research...*cries*

To Krystal: Is Marcus realy your child? I hope not...

That is all for now! Now then, I am off to cause Isaac more misery! *Jumps off of Hive Mind to go find Isaac*

Isaac: *Hides*
Augmentation of Earth chapter 3 . 5/14/2009

To Krystal: hm... well your hot... but! your with Fox so I won't do anything!

To Knight Fox:please keep at least 12 feet away... you'll know why in a second

To Fox: hey guess what! I brought another you from an alternate universe! see! (throws other Fox at Fox) and if you touch it causes a temperal Rift to form oh wait you just touched... anyone within 12 feet will be sucked into it...

To Knight Fox: now you understand why I said at least 12 feet away... well I'm about to be sucked through a friggin' temperal rift so Au Revoir!
VENOMDARK call me venom chapter 3 . 5/12/2009
oh i love Q&A

to fox: huh u still don't have a new game y not?

to krystal: umn sorry about those pictures i put on the web hehe

to katt: ur WAY hotter than krystal

to falco: yeah i said it what u going to about? huh huh!

to infected: UR STORIES R GREAT (fanboy moment) sorry

to everyone: (looks around) u see the FBI or the CIA their coming for me i blow up a bus

to everyone: (last time) i got a car load of M-16 guns out there go nuts AND KILL SOME ZOMBIES F-YEAH

well buy off to the Asylum BUY STAR-FOX HAHAHAHA
Elementer chapter 3 . 4/26/2009
Good job man, I was wondering how much dialogue you could create with one question, so that's why I asked it. You did a damn good job on this chapter.

To Krystal: Are you Bi?

To Axel: How much do you get paid?

To everyone: Why the hell is everything so random!
Eye of Fire chapter 3 . 4/9/2009
IV: I'm in the mood for Keyblade fun! (Forms Wretched Death and Beautiful Death in my hands *Wretched Death looks like the Sleeping Lion with the color scheme reversed and the Beautiful Death is the Guardian Soul with an all black and cerulean scheme*)

Osoroshii: ... I am going to kill all of you... *New O.C. for a story I've been writing*


Felix: *Is currently killing zombies*

Osoroshii: No one shall hear your screams, vixen...

IV: Shut it and quit trying to kill her.

Osoroshii: I do what I was born to do... *Rips a zombie in half with his claws with a shrug and starts running through them with a back scimitar*

Hazel: *Glares and hefts an executioner’s ax with blood dripping from the blade* Just keep out of my head and everything will be fine between us.

To Fox: Hey, did you ever have any feelings for Hazel before you left to go on your adventure that would ultimately lead you to Krystal? And if you did, do you think that, given enough time, you would’ve asked her on a date and got to her before Axle did?

To Krystal: Did you ever get bored in the crystal you were stuck in? And if so... what did you do to pass the time besides helping Fox use your staff?

To Axel: What made that crazy wolfess Hannah love you so much? I mean really, the Director of Sunshade?

To Skye: Would you and Zane ever really have a chance if you had never met Axle?

To Zane (I know its my character so get off my back!): QUIT TRYING TO STEAL MY GUNS! AND HAZEL FROM FELIX! QUIT IT!

To Miyu and Furiya: I'm sorry to ask this but who are you? I know I should be smacked upside the head for that, but I have to know.

To Furiya specifically: You do look really good in crimson. *Grins sheepishly and then hugs lightly* you're awesome, even if I don't know who you are.

Cissnei *Another O.C.*: WHAT WAS THAT!

IV: HELP ME! *Runs away from Cissnei quickly and dives into a fun room accidentally*

Cissnei: GET BACK HERE! *Starts shooting lightning from her hands and follows into the fun room, locking the door behind her.*

Fortune: Love is such a strange thing...

Hazel: You said it.

Bella: Ditto.

Cissnei: I DON’T LOVE HIM!

All of the girl O.C.’s: Of course you don’t…

IV and Cissnei: SHUT UP!

Felix: *Still killing zombies and wisely keeps his mouth shut*

Osoroshii: Why must my author get mixed up this way with his characters?

Bella: Because *Glomps* He likes to do that, go figure.

Dante and Maxi: *Nods solemnly with sake in their hands*

IV and Cissnei: I SAID SHUT UP!

To Wolf: How would you feel if Bella became part of Star Wolf on New Years Day? (That is a fic I have yet to put up though it is on the way to being finished. DAMN LAZINESS!)

To Panther and Leon: Ditto.

To Amanda: Congratulations on killing your late husband. Here’s a cookie.

To KnightFox: I SHALL DEFEAT YOU IN KEYBLADE COMBAT! And how is it being a military brat? I was a navy brat for a while and was wondering if it was the same.

To Katt: What do you see in Falco honestly? I mean, I know all the stuff he’s done and his quiet intensity and the like, but what really makes you like him?

To Larry: Why are you like you are?

I.V.: See ya guys later-Uggh! *Hit over the head with a dented, golden bat*

Cissnei: That’s for yesterday!
Shadow Shinobi57 chapter 3 . 4/7/2009
To everyone: (Jumps in and spins, slashing several zombies in half with his Zanpakuto. He then throws the Shadow Requiem keyblade, sending through the neck of the El Gigante. He pulls it out and puts all his weapons in the sheathes on his back.) Okay, then...Wait...

To Wolf: ...Why did you steal Zabuza's blade...which was mine after I stole it after he died? I should slap you, you STUPID BITCH! (Bitch slaps him...with the Zanpakuto.) Now GIVE ME THE SWORD!

To Fox: I heard...about Krystal...and Darth InVader...Was it AWESOME?

To Falco: ...Make...up...MAKE...UP? (Pummels him repeatedly. He stops and curls up into a ball) I lost all faith in you! (Starts crying dramatically. Timid walks over to comfort him)

To Katt: YOU SLEEP WITH A DOUCHEBAG! (Cries louder)

To Leon: (Walks over with a bouquet of flowers.) Peace..and tranquility and AH! (Throws the bouquet at him and starts beating the shit out of him) ...Sorry...There was a bee on there...I got it. ...Hey, you okay? Hello? ...Wake up, sleepyhead. (Nudges him) Oh shit...Um...If the police come, it was an accident...He got hit by a delivery truck that was supposed to go to the Q&A Madness stadium.

To Panther: ...Um..Hold on... (looks through a human to felline dictionary) Um...HIsmrow! ...OH SHIT! That wasn't it, I'm sorry! Don't shoot me! I didn't mean to call you that! (Hides behind the book)

To Krystal: ...Hehe...Hard as crystal...How did it feel, eh? Eh? EH? WELL? YOU GONNA TELL ME? OR DO I HAVE TO MESS YOU UP?

To Bill: HOW COULD YOU? (Slaps him while crying) DO YOU THINK I LIKE HITTING YOU? (Slaps him again and cries louder) HOW COULD YOU DRINK THE LAST MOUNTAIN DEW BEFORE I COULD FIGHT YOU FOR IT? (Punches him hard enough to knock him off the chair and cries loud enough to make some people cover their ears) ...Oh wait...Wrong person. Metal stole the last Mt. Dew. Sorry.

To everyone: I hold you enjoyed my overly dramatic performance. I've been practicing being crazy for my show, so thank you for sticking it out. Don't stop being prodigious! JA MATA!
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