Reviews for We The People
Jupiiter13 chapter 85 . 4/18/2011
Really really nice job! You did so well. I liked how you switched around between the three different times. It was great!

All I can say is...MORE! :)
briseis72 chapter 85 . 9/6/2010

After reading your fic, I had to take the time to review and congratulate you! Your fic was just absolutely awsome, I think the best one about Robin hood i've read so far!

and just 75 reviews is a shame! lol

Well since you write so well, i'll go look in your profile for another story.

Luna12 chapter 85 . 2/18/2010
A great job of having an AU that still feels as if it were canon. I loved the way you told the story in non-chronological order, too. It was a good blending. Just needs a little proof reading/editing at parts, but overall a strong story. It was great being able to read an in-character fic with a majority of realistic happy endings for the characters.
be93 chapter 85 . 6/23/2009
This was a beautiful end to a lovely story.

Always well written, it had everything you could wish for in a story; humour, action, love but also death.

This was a genius idea and one which I have thoroughly enjoyed reading.

You haven't always played safe, you pushed the limits, you weren't afraid to kill off your own OC's or exisiting characters which was gutsy and well done.

Everyone was characterized brilliantly throughout the whole story. I could continue to write a even longer list of praise for this story.

You've shown me that shorter more frequent chapters work very well and have given me inspiration. Thank you.

Be x
be93 chapter 84 . 6/20/2009
Again beautiful.

So simply put, but not cliché or melodramatic which is why i love this.

Constance and Seth are beautiful. I love it.

BE x
be93 chapter 83 . 6/20/2009
Again lovely, everyone is written so wel in character, its like they're really there. Much you write particularly well.

I'm going to read chapter 84 now.

Be x
be93 chapter 82 . 6/19/2009
Another great but sad chapter. The end was beautifully written, simple without being cliché.

I'm glad you've written Seth into this, so few people do, it was an idea I thought perhaps only I had considered.

You had some great humour and banter in here too;

"but who had some strange notions on everything.” Will went on to interject.

“His male line causes some concern,” Robin put in gently.

Thos two percifically made me smile.

You characterize everyone brilliantly and I can't believe there is only a couple of chapters left.

I've really enjoyed reading this.

Be x
be93 chapter 81 . 6/18/2009
This was beautiful, now we can see how the last two timelines fit together, with the missing characters.

I had tears in my eyes when I read Allan's death, that was really well done.

I love this story and the clever way it follows Series 2 but along a different path. It's original and genius.

Be x
Grace chapter 79 . 6/16/2009
O a cliffie!Another 24 hours of suspense until you updat!Oh

Great chapter as usual.
be93 chapter 78 . 6/16/2009
This chapter was a lovely end to this section of the story.

Really beautiful I love the young Robin and his love already for Marian.

Quite sad that this is drawing to a close but a good close it is.

Be x
BladeThorn4296 chapter 1 . 6/15/2009
I have read about half of the chapters so far, and I have to ay I really like a lot your idea for this story. I had never seen a story quite like this, mixing three different timelines, but still being awfully conected. Besides, apart from being a great idea, your writing is pretty good. Simple, I could say. Tells you eveerything you need to know, making it undestandable and looking good. However, I suggest you check more thoroughly your punctuation, it would definetly make your story much better. Some ideas just aren't very easily understood, or would sound better, if you did. Anyway, good work! It's a pretty good story so far, so I will just carry on reading.
Grcae chapter 78 . 6/15/2009
Aw poor Robin!

The Marian/Edward scene was really sweet.:)
be93 chapter 76 . 6/13/2009
Again a great chapter.

I love how you've taken Series 2 and twisted it to fit your story and yet it still follows along the same lines. It's very clever and original. Most people completley abadon the series - i know i have - but you've cleverly incorporated it.

I can't wait to see how you link it all up ad tie it all off at the end but at the same time I don't want it to end!

Be x
Grace chapter 75 . 6/12/2009
Wondering if Eve will come back with Robin and Much...

Poor Constance..In laws huh?Lol.

thanks for replying to my question-yeah go for it!I would read it :)
Grace chapter 74 . 6/11/2009
Nice suspense in it makes me laugh though-I already know Edward survives!

How old is this Matilda the wise woman?I'm pretty sure she was mentioned in the "present"time setting aswell.

I think of the three different periods,the one with Edward,Kate and baby Marian are my favorite.:)

Does the story cover the part where Robin and Marian were together before he went off to the Holy Lands?
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