Reviews for The Corporation
pikaace chapter 3 . 6/24/2014

You must finish this! I NEED this story! Please update! Please please pleeeeeaaaaaase!
Yay chapter 3 . 7/15/2011
AH-MAZING STORY! I can't believe it's been over two years since you've updated. I like this, it's really good. So, I politely ask you to come back, and write another chapter. Please, and thank you.
Olivia chapter 3 . 5/16/2009
Please continue this, pretty please?

It was just getting good!
Soul-sis chapter 3 . 5/9/2009
I'm liking this so far! Update soon, pretty please!
Element Wolf chapter 3 . 4/11/2009
Nice chappie! Update soon!
Kinola chapter 3 . 4/6/2009
Yay, new chappie!

You MUST continue it, I beg of you!
abandonedaccount123456790000 chapter 3 . 4/4/2009

I can't wait till Dory comes into play! This is just so good i can't even describe it!
Element Wolf chapter 1 . 3/30/2009
Since this is a human AU, maybe you should make the 'Tank Gang' kids and teenagers. I think that would be good to read. It would be more interesting too. The corporation could have kidnapped them when they were little like Nemo.
Element Wolf chapter 2 . 3/30/2009
I like it a lot! Update soon! :DD!
abandonedaccount123456790000 chapter 2 . 3/26/2009
wonderful! as i've said before i just love this humanization!

exspecially the "then we look to the left, then the right, then the left, then the right..etc. "

It was also funny how he talked about meeting a "scary guy" and "sea gypsy"

this si awesome! i can't wait for more!
abandonedaccount123456790000 chapter 1 . 3/26/2009
WOW! that was great! I love the references to clownfish, for example, his fav. fish, that he was a comedian (although marlin wasn't funny in the movie)

I also like how you humanized the story, for example , how nemo's arm was taken off, the stalker, the ocean. its just great!
Castoro Chiaro chapter 2 . 3/25/2009

(ahem) Regaining composure...

I was actually very impressed with how you transferred scenes from the movie into this. They fit very naturally, especially Marlin's comedy routine xD . Nice job with that. I LOVE that audio track of Albert Brooks screwing up a joke on the DVD so much, it makes me laugh even still.

"You know the mark of a really funny fish? The joke doesn't always have to be right. It's the DE-LIVER-Y!"

xD I love that DVD to pieces.

Anyways, I can't wait for you to introduce Dory, as I'm sure she'll be awesome. This is interesting so far! Please update soon.

Oh, and because I feel this must be addressed...

"'SHELDON!' Ted suddenly barked, 'Get off that girl, right now!'

Marlin whirled around in horror; thankfully, he realized that the boy Ted had shouted at had simply jumped onto a small girl for a piggyback ride."

SOMEBODY around her has a dirty mind! Bad Angel! (bursts out laughing) That line made me double take, it really did.
LittleBlue33 chapter 1 . 3/25/2009
aww I love it the way you started it its great

keep up the good work

when I again the Finding Nemo characters as humans I always picture Nemo having one of his legs on a brace of something like that due to that as a fish he needs his fin for swimming and as a human his legs for moving...but its your story so its up to you

cant wait to
Castoro Chiaro chapter 1 . 3/25/2009
Oops, I didn't realize you'd updated before I replied to you review. Oh wells, take my reply as incentive to update more than once a year...or to never stop updating, like you have with certain other stories (glare)


Very clever way to start the story! I thought the bedtime story was the best of the deleted scenes, but I can see why it was changed. The beginning that ended up in the film was far more dramatic and heartrending.

“Well…I guess…the psychologist did say that I should tell you when you started asking….okay, Nemo. Come here, and I’ll tell you.”

Marlin has a psychologist? Poor guy and his emotional baggage.

You've captured character voices very well here without stealing dialog from the film, which isn't always easy to do. I eagerly anticipate all further updates. You know, if you finish this story you'll be the first on the site to complete a Finding Nemo AU. Seriously.

It's funny you mentioned names, because me and my little brother started a humanized Pixar story, and the names we chose were MarlinMartin, DoryDorothy (she's called "Dory" for short, though), and NemoNathan. While that wasn't incredibly relevant, I thought I should share it.

Oh yes, and PARACANTHURUS HEPATATUS FTW indeed! (I'm learning! I knew that was the scientific name for a regal blue tang when I saw it. Praise me and my random, useless learnings!)
Kino Lala chapter 1 . 3/24/2009
Aw, is this the story you had a year or 2 before? Nice to see it back, if it is!