Reviews for Kata
narutofan chapter 1 . 6/12/2011
Great story :)
lightning chapter 1 . 7/16/2010
I love this.

You described the whole scene breathtakingly and believeable !
Teldra chapter 1 . 3/8/2010
Lovely piece!
fi vh sKDJz x chapter 1 . 7/8/2009
How hauntingly erotic.

You perfectly portray Minato's reluctance to see Kakashi as a man, and ugh. Excuse my gushing.

The wax poetics you use are absolutely breathtaking, not to mention beautifully woven into the text. To my surprise, the ending was flawlessly executed without being cheesy or overly cliché, something I’ve seen quite frequently when concerning these two.

This has to be, by far, one of the best fics I have ever had the chance to read.

thatreevesgirl chapter 1 . 4/27/2009
Very enjoyable for as short as it was. I think you ended it at the perfect place, because this little glimpse into the mind of Kakashi's teacher was perfect.
rawringpixie chapter 1 . 4/18/2009
short and perfect!
Prescripto13 chapter 1 . 3/25/2009
Sensual is definitely a good word to describe this scene. It was richly written.