Reviews for The Good of the Few
wolfsbane0911 chapter 2 . 6/23
i hope this verse was completed, if not still currently being added to, because i just love it so much! you've kept true to the boys so incredibly well, captured their personalities perfectly. not many can do that, and i admire your talent. you didn't make it gushy and fluffy with constant hugs and crying on each other's shoulders, which is not how the boys are at all. so many people write them like that, and it feels like you're reading about two completely different characters.
thank you so much for this verse, im just blowing through it so fast, it scares me, because i know that the end is gonna come soon and then where will i be? but i can't help it, i just can't slow down!
hunenka chapter 8 . 11/4/2014
I love you so much for creating this verse, you have no idea. Thank you!
slumberingscribe chapter 8 . 9/24/2013
Jeez. Excellent, amazing, superb fic. The reactions were perfect, and I love how the writing style changes as the emotions of the characters change. The tension between the two brothers is written flawlessly: not too much hostility, but enough to make the relationship realistic given the circumstances.
Also really enjoyed the other fics in this series, but have been so busy reading them I forgot to review, which I feel extremely guilty about. However, they were all a pleasure to read and were written in a style that really captivated me.
Looking forward to reading the next in this series.
Karebear119 chapter 1 . 8/23/2013
I LOVE your DRIVE-verse stories! I've been reading them all back to back over the last few days since I first discovered them. You are an amazing writer with such a unique and interesting writing style! You've got me sucked in! Keep up the amazing work!
Bloodmoon-Shinigami chapter 8 . 6/4/2012
So much angst in this! I still lived it, though. Can't get over Dean coming to the rescue on a frickin hotwired lawnmower. I was getting worried that Sam would go even father off the track, but he finally realized his self destructive behavior. You did a good job of showing his sudden hot and cold mood swings. Poor Dean. Hopefully his leg can actually get some rest now...

One thing I really like about your verse is how you rewrite the episodes. You stay true to the feel of the show and mix everything up in a way that makes me really wish it had happened in canon. That lawnmower shit would probably never fly, but I can still hope.
Bloodmoon-Shinigami chapter 6 . 6/4/2012
I couldn't not comment on my complete collapse into laughter upon realizing Dean was coming to the rescue on a lawnmower. Pure genius. I'm still grinning.
rokkenbosche chapter 8 . 2/6/2012
I just wanted to take a moment and write a really thoughtful review for your stories. I've read them all in the series, at least twice each. I have them all saved on my computer from the PDFs you made available, and enjoy them immensely.

And not just because of the Dean whump (because really, that's probably why most of us are here) but because you are an amazing writer. I mean that with the utmost sincerity. Your writing has great flow, pacing, and execution. You wrote the characters wonderfully, treating canon with the respect it deserves but is so infrequently seen in fanfiction.

So once again, thank you, for supplying the internet with some wonderful reading material. I wish your stories could be made into actual episodes, or at least be partially inaugurated into canon
Bartlebead chapter 8 . 12/6/2010
Really good. And I love that you used the word "limn."
Bartlebead chapter 3 . 12/6/2010
Great! Sam's finally facing up to the drinking and Dean gets to be tough.
Bartlebead chapter 2 . 12/5/2010
I so completely sympathize with the cigarettes/nicorette thing poor Dean is going through. Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I ever did. Took me three tries to get off the gum, which I didn't even like. And then I got hooked on Atomic Fire Balls, which are hell on your teeth. I feel for him.
Marz1 chapter 1 . 6/13/2010
passive agressive arguing, always awesome.
ayslin chapter 5 . 1/19/2010
"No salt on those homefries, please."

I had pretty much resigned myself to leaving one massive review for your entire 'verse. I lack the willpower to not plow right on from chapter to chapter, story to story, immediately. Instant gratification is kind of my thing.

But that line (how you use Meg, full stop, but that line in particular) is absolutely brilliant. I mean, the devil is in the details, right? LOL. And you totally hit it.

I LOVE this.
daleaikman chapter 8 . 12/2/2009
I just love your stories Of the Drive 'veres. I just finished this one. I cant wait to see what happens to dean and sam at bobby's and after.
Anne1013 chapter 1 . 10/31/2009
Wow! I have just spent several days reading thru your Drive 'Verse and it is amazing. You have such a way with words that I can't tell you the number of times I have burst out laughing, you are so funny. The way you describe things is so fantastic.

"it’s goddamn motherfucking holy-christ-avert-thine-eyes hideous," not part of the Drive verse but, oh my god, sheer brilliance.

Glad the boys have made it back to Bobby's and hope they can get some rest and Sammy can keep up the not drinking. I don't need all their problems to go away, but I wouldn't mind losing this one.

Again, fantastic job, have enjoyed everything I have read of yours and can't wait for the next addition to the Drive verse.

Thank you, Anne
fugitive motel chapter 8 . 9/28/2009
This is hands down the best fanfiction I've ever read. Ever. Hilarious, perfectly in character, and Dean almost made me drown in my own estrogen on multiple occasions. The balance of angst and humor is fantastic.

I laughed when I saw the previous comment, because my roommate and I have grown so addicted to this series that we've permanently assimilated Dean's bum leg into our mental canon. When season 5 premiered we were shocked to see him walking without a limp.

GREAT job!
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