Reviews for VENDetta
salyparker1232xxx chapter 1 . 5/13/2011
Make another 1
Titanlunatic chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
I can imagine Voltar doing that D
sondre chapter 1 . 1/23/2010
Oh my god, so much love for this fic. Reminded me of the episode when Voltar was brainwashed into liking Tofu Pops. xD Fav'd!

You wrote the other LOSE fic, right? YOU'RE AWESOME. :D
supertown chapter 1 . 8/13/2009
Awesome! Great characterization, great slapstick, and really impressive pacing with moments like this:




Doing good.


I can totally see how this would be paced out in a cartoon. I rarely see that sort of thing conveyed well in prose, but you nailed it.

Also 10 for breaking out Frogg's rare but canon use of the word "man", as in "No way, man!" Love.
Mortal Anonymous chapter 1 . 6/10/2009
*chuckle* Very amusing. Guess Voltar has better luck with candy than Fudgey Yummy Fudge Bars, eh?

Oh, and Frogg...USE THE EXTENDO-CLAW YOU NINCOMPOOP! O.O Eheheh, I love Frogg to death but he can be so blind at times..XD
deleted9account chapter 1 . 6/2/2009
This is exactly what I would expect in an awesome plot for LOSE- it's got the randomness, teh goofiness, and most of all, the sheer hilarity of the League's interaction. Awesome job!
Emerald8 chapter 1 . 5/1/2009
This story is even funnier than the first. I was laughing throughout the first half of it almost constantly, but it pettered out a bit by the end imo. But if the trend continues, your last L.O.S.E. story will be your best.

BTW, I did end up "venturing into the world of LOSE", as you put it. My story "Voltar V.S. The Toastar" is now onsite, and I'd appreciate if you gave it a read. One funny thing I noticed: In this story, you have Voltar mention Doktor Frogg's "skinny speghetti arms". In my story (which I wrote prior to reading this), Voltar screams "defend me with your noodly arms!" to Frogg at one point. Great minds really DO think alike!
Diana26.5 chapter 1 . 4/24/2009
Great story! I could easily see that in one of the episodes. Now I really want to see it on TV!

I love Red's line: "Being evil is no excuse!" LOL!
The Evil Overlord Crazy L chapter 1 . 4/21/2009
Ah, that was funny. You did an awesome job! I could seriously picture them screwing with a Vending Machine just to get some candy. Great job!
majorfangirl chapter 1 . 4/18/2009
I'm finally able to review! This cracked me up, I told all my friends about it and posted a link to it on facebook for my other friends. I know my friend ScarXMalkia is going to love it, because she's the one who sucked me in1
Phonoaesthetics chapter 1 . 4/13/2009
Haha! This made me smile, and I recieved a curtly glance from my math teacher because of it. Whoops. Nothing really to critique here ( and besides, don't you hate it when a body harshly critiques little drabbles? Not to say this one is, if it's not. But I can tell it was written for fun, and was received as such.) It's nice to see another L.O.S.E. fan, hurrah! Betcha it won't be long 'fore we start seeing some pairings with this show, Voltar or Red need to get canon girlfriend, QUICK! Before the yaoi fandoms take over! (Which honestly wouldn't be so bad, but I'm going to try not to think about Red/Voltar during Mathematics class, I still need to get through European History and Art.)

Haha, sorry to waste your time, but I like this story a lot! Hehe~
StarVix chapter 1 . 4/3/2009
This is hilarious! I loved it when Voltar told Doktor Frogg he had skinny spagetti arms so he had to reach into the machine. I could SO totally see them making an episode out of this.
fanfictiongoddess chapter 1 . 4/2/2009
May I just say I giggled like mad reading this. In other words, much love for this story. Also, glad to see another LOSE fan.