Reviews for Ouroboros
Guest chapter 1 . 11/21/2019
Just came across this beautiful piece. How fitting that she had Jack to comfort her in that way. He knew grief well and of course would be there for her.
Stargate Trekker chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
This was lovely.
c3lia chapter 1 . 4/14/2019
Hi :)
Lovely story; very in-character dialogues and beautiful descriptions! I don't know if your father knew about your writting, but he sure would be proud of such a great story!
My mother died when I was just 11 yo, and I believe that the way you mourn as a child is very different from the way you do it as an adult... And to tell you the truth, I don't remember many details of her funeral's service (and I am glad that I don't...). But I do remember that, even as a child, it was difficult to fall asleep on the previous night... So your story sounded very real to me!
Thanks for taking the time to write and share it her with us!
Hugs from Portugal, CĂ©lia
Marcy chapter 1 . 3/13/2019
AgentKalGibbs chapter 1 . 6/2/2018
Such lovely, was this. Much like, I do. Very adorable, is Kate :D
Nonnie88 chapter 1 . 11/16/2015
I've just come across this beautiful piece.
I don't know if you still read reviews or not but thought I would post one anyway!
It was heartbreaking in a simple way, and so believable, I feel like everytime I watch Threads now I'm going to think of this and its sheer perfectness!
Cooper chapter 1 . 8/18/2015
I don't know if you still read reviews but this was new to me. So good! I loved it. Only thing though, you have Kate calling him "colonel Jack" long after he was a brigadier general. Not a big deal but I couldn't resist pointing it out:)
narellew68 chapter 1 . 3/16/2015
This is just perfect ... the best, sweetest and most natural I have read, by far.
Thankyou. xo
HeRonFan chapter 1 . 5/26/2013
This was exceptional. I finished and my eyebrows had climbed up towards my hairline-I was that in awe of the sheer simplicity combined with the intricateness of navigating these emotions at such a time in life. Been there myself and in a somewhat similar situation, starting out my permanent relationship, marriage, and losing my father just a few weeks before. It will be 21 years next week. It does get better, as hopefully, time has helped you since you wrote this and most of your memories will be of the good times and the little idiosyncrasies that made him your dad. Sigh. I write when I am particularly stressed, but do not publish until later. You have more nerve than I do.
I found it very interesting to read the intricacies of a military funeral. I did not know about the shell casings. The whole description was heartwarming, as was Jack being with her, and the little interplay with her niece.
I particularly found the line, "I'll agree not to ask if you'll agree to tell me if you're not. Deal?" Beautiful, supportive, assertive but not pushy, controlling. He leaves it in her court, letting her know that he trusts her again, yet the expectation of her to return that trust is there already. I like that you've interweaved the campfire into this story, but I'm especially pleased you did not bury this life changing campfire within a the seasonal stories. It's too important. You leave me wondering after having read it, what that conversation between Jacob and Mark was like. I hope you wrote it somewhere, interweaved or stand alone. I did miss one minor detail though: Daniel and Teal'c should have been somewhere in the crowd.

"I'm glad. He liked you."
"I liked him...even with Selmak."
These lines reminded me of Jacob meeting Pete and the contrast of the relationships there. It felt right to read this little part.
I will be rereading this one over and over, because it simply does not disappoint AND, I'm sure to find more things to focus on and let my heart melt, like his discovery of the missing ring, the inscription...(roll your eyes now).
You and Fems are the best SG1 writers I've encountered on here.
Sincerely memorable work.
adangeli chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
I know it's been a long while since you wrote this, but I've read it through several times now. It always makes me very emotional and this was the first time I could really collect myself enough to write a review. It's stilly, really, the way this story gets at me. My own father passed just over five years ago and something about this...the way you wrote it, the words you chose, make me think so very clearly of him and they way he died and that he forewent the military funeral due to him. These days, I think on my father with joy and find I don't get bogged down in the mire of his death, but occasionally, when something like this piece of writing crosses my path, I get an opportunity to wallow in a little emotion I often deny myself. So, thank you. Thank you for making this gentle and beautiful and letting me have just a bit of a soft place settle my own emotions.
Loufiction chapter 1 . 6/24/2011
Once again brilliant story. I know this is kind of "old" since you've published it in 2009 but I'm sorry for your dad. I nearly lost mine last year and I know how difficult it is :(

I really love stories around this particular episod they, most of the time, are very good. Yours is even better.

How and a very good point for your way of writing Mark. Most of the time stories about him show him react very badly about Sam's breaking things off with Pete. Most of the time he is very harsh towards Jack. Not in your story.
hedwiggins chapter 1 . 5/19/2011
You write most excellently. This is a marvelous story, and I had tears in my eyes during bits of it. And I like what Mark said about Pete in thinking he and Sam would only go on a few dates together. That's always been my assumption, too; that he didn't expect for it to go any further. Love the interaction between Jack and the little girl; so sweet. :)
SaraBahama chapter 1 . 5/1/2011
So sweet and so moving. Choked me up with the funeral. I see what you mean about writing through the real, personal grief. Thanks for sharing this.
sg1star chapter 1 . 3/11/2011
I came across this story while looking for another that I am looking for...I thought I would just glance it out of curiousity..but stayed to the end...

I think it is well thought out, extremely well written, and how I thought they should of done an eposide after sam loses would of been right...but thats screen writers for you...thanks
hifield chapter 1 . 2/11/2011
Very beautiful and moving story.

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