Reviews for Stranger
Guest chapter 1 . 6/30
"I never was any good at controlling myself where she was involved. There was no right or wrong… there was just her."

This. This is the T/M relationship in a nutshell and you managed to capture it in a story that didn’t even feature one of them alive! Your writing is really superb. Glad even years and years after this show is over there’s still great writing like yours to go back and read again and again.
TwentyFourGirl chapter 1 . 5/18/2011
Wow. I'm kind of speechless. This was beautifully written and I may have teared up a bit... Or a lot. Amazing work.
athleticgrl95 chapter 1 . 4/26/2009
I thought it was well written! Good job brought a tear to my eye as you brought tony's remembrance of michelle back but that's what good stories are about! So I think you should continue.
Flight of Folly chapter 1 . 4/9/2009
This is a hauntingly beautiful albeit melancholy piece that really reflects the emotionally state you'd expect Tony to be in post-Michelle. It's nice to see that he has learnt from his divorcee mistakes and is keeping away from the alcohol and needy bar maids.

Kelsey was an interesting character to use as a narrator, her own sad story really worked in well with the whole sombre mood. I would have liked to have seen a bit of Tony's POV in the story, as it would have given you a chance to delve a little deeper into his psyche.

Keep writing... Natalie
Lizzieanne chapter 1 . 4/9/2009
I love 24 and totally adore Tony. You've done a wonderful job with this very believable piece about how he's been dealing with his emotions in his missing years. He deserves some comfort. :) chapter 1 . 4/8/2009
Can’t or won’t?

wonderful ! keep going ... see whats Jack will do if he is in Tony place !
angeliena chapter 1 . 4/8/2009
its interesting!
Trinity Everett chapter 1 . 4/7/2009
Oh my god, gah. This totally broke my heart, because it's just so... it's fantastic and painful and so true.

And I also need to tell you, I laughed out loud at your disclaimer. Thanks.
bookworm03 chapter 1 . 4/7/2009
Oh god, I love it! I seriously loved it. I thought it was great to see the whole thing from Kelsey's perspective (and I actually really liked her...) for a hooker she seemed very realistic and I think that was one of the advantages of showing this entire scenario from her point of view. I also loved that she was *definitely* a hooker; she contemplated stealing, she thought he was a cop..all that stuff made still felt bad for her, but she was still a hooker. She wasn't this poor, little innocent thing you felt Tony was taking advantage of but you still felt bad for her. If that makes any

I love how she describes Tony and how she contrasts him to all the other guys she's been with and I love that he's still...caring. He still points out the cigarette burn and tells her to be careful even though she's...well she's basically just something to fuck. She's just a form of human contact to him but it's obvious that in losing Michelle he hasn't completely lost his humanity. It's there, he just doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve the same way he always has. *Tear*

The part where she finds the picture was really well done. You can totally imagine her being scared of him and feeling like he might get violent. Tony definitely could come across like that if you didn't know any better/rubbed him the wrong way.

"They entered the room together and he went straight to the mini-bar to pour her a drink, like he always did. He never drank, and she’d pouted once that it was no fun drinking alone. When she’d asked him why, he’d answered, “Because I’m afraid if I did I’d never be able to stop.”" :(

" “I never was any good at controlling myself where she was involved. There was no right or wrong… there was just her.” He sighed. “And I guess that hasn’t changed, even if… even though she’s gone now.”" Spot on, missy. I don't think I've ever heard it stated better than that.

And the end just broke my heart. It just completely broke my heart.

I was promised fluff next, I believe?
Jurojin chapter 1 . 4/7/2009
That was absolutely beautiful. Seriously.

It completely makes sense and is a perfect idea for how he deals with his pain. Bloody brilliant.