Reviews for Body Bags
Void of Anguish chapter 9 . 12/20/2012
"You've been fucking behind our backs and didn't let me watch?" Kevin scoffed, "the nerve of some people."

WOW Kevin
Mantinas chapter 12 . 2/21/2011
Good story.
bree tennyson chapter 12 . 11/4/2010
aw, i luv it! i just wish ben's dad wouldnt be such a pussy about it xP lol
NovemberDreamin chapter 10 . 4/27/2010
okay so sorry i didnt review for the other chapters :P
but this is cute
gosh the line between love and hate really is thin, because i keep reading and *liking* slash stories...
oh well
keep up the good story!
brokenangelwings16 chapter 9 . 4/15/2010
plz keep wrting
RejectedShyRebel18 chapter 9 . 3/12/2010
omg its so good so far i hope you contiue it
Jade-Silverwolf chapter 8 . 1/4/2010
This is a good story so far! I can't wait till the next chapter!
Burning Ice Water chapter 7 . 12/22/2009
Kevi will have a Rich DAD
Jade-Silverwolf chapter 7 . 12/21/2009
That was funny! I can't wait till the next chapter!
itachimyitachi chapter 6 . 11/9/2009
plez continue

what is goin to happen with kevin and gwen

does she know that he is with ben

great story...
nerdglasses chapter 6 . 9/8/2009
When you write the next Chapter, try to keep the grammar and spelling mistakes to a minimum. A lot of people would be put off by the errors you're making. Just a suggestion. But other than that, good job. I like that you chose Kevin as the main character; he's my favorite character.
Freya chapter 1 . 7/2/2009
-My- name is Freya :O O_O creepy...
nerdglasses chapter 4 . 5/23/2009
The chapters are a bit short, but I like the plot. Update soon!
XXXMystery chapter 4 . 5/9/2009
I like where this is going and Kevina and Ben's secret relationship with each other. Please continue the good story!
Suguri-chan chapter 3 . 4/25/2009
well this has a good plot I like it but the chapter are too short for my taste.(I am used to reading longe chapters) Anyways I am looking forward to the next update!

see ya then! _'

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